Publicaciones LMA 2020
A continuación se listan las publicaciones en las que sus autores han hecho uso del equipamiento del LMA y/o en las que dichos autores son personal del LMA.
Authors | Article Title | Publication Year | Source Title | Volume | Start Page | End Page | DOI |
Bartolome, E; Mundet, B; Guzman, R; Gazquez, J; Valvidares, SM; Herrero-Martin, J; Pellegrin, E; Puig, T; Obradors, X | Embedded Magnetism in YBa2Cu3O7 Associated with Cu-O Vacancies within Nanoscale Intergrowths: Implications for Superconducting Current Performance | 2020 | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS | 3 | 3050 | 3059 | |
Baumann, KN; Piantanida, L; Garcia-Nafria, J; Sobota, D; Voitchovsky, K; Knowles, TPJ; Hernandez-Ainsa, S | Coating and Stabilization of Liposomes by Clathrin-Inspired DNA Self-Assembly | 2020 | ACS NANO | 14 | 2316 | 2323 | |
Misra, A; Zambrzycki, C; Kloker, G; Kotyrba, A; Anjass, MH; Castillo, IF; Mitchell, SG; Guttel, R; Streb, C | Water Purification and Microplastics Removal using Magnetic Polyoxometalate-Supported Ionic Liquid Phases (magPOM-SILPs) | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 1601 | 1605 | |
Urtizberea, A; Natividad, E; Alonso, PJ; Perez-Martinez, L; Andres, MA; Gascon, I; Gimeno, I; Luis, F; Roubeau, O | Vanadyl spin qubit 2D arrays and their integration on superconducting resonators | 2020 | MATERIALS HORIZONS | 7 | 885 | 897 | |
Garcia-Garcia, A; Ceballos-Laita, L; Serna, S; Artschwager, R; Reichardt, NC; Corzana, F; Hurtado-Guerrero, R | Structural basis for substrate specificity and catalysis of alpha 1,6-fucosyltransferase | 2020 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 11 | | ||
Liu, Y; Vaitiekenas, S; Marti-Sanchez, S; Koch, C; Hart, S; Cui, Z; Kanne, T; Khan, SA; Tanta, R; Upadhyay, S; Cachaza, ME; Marcus, CM; Arbiol, J; Moler, KA; Krogstrup, P | Semiconductor-Ferromagnetic Insulator-Superconductor Nanowires: Stray Field and Exchange Field | 2020 | NANO LETTERS | 20 | 456 | 462 | |
Zuliani, A; Cova, CM; Manno, R; Sebastian, V; Romero, AA; Luque, R | Continuous flow synthesis of menthol via tandem cyclisation-hydrogenation of citronellal catalysed by scrap catalytic converters | 2020 | GREEN CHEMISTRY | 22 | 379 | 387 | |
Camino, JD; Gracia, P; Chen, SW; Sot, J; de la Arada, I; Sebastian, V; Arrondo, JLR; Goni, FM; Dobson, CM; Cremades, N | The extent of protein hydration dictates the preference for heterogeneous or homogeneous nucleation generating either parallel or antiparallel beta-sheet alpha-synuclein aggregates | 2020 | CHEMICAL SCIENCE | 11 | 11902 | 11914 | |
Cruz-Gonzalez, OL; Rodriguez-Ramos, R; Otero, JA; Ramirez-Torres, A; Penta, R; Lebon, F | On the effective behavior of viscoelastic composites in three dimensions | 2020 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCE | 157 | | ||
Liu, Y; Luchini, A; Marti-Sanchez, S; Koch, C; Schuwalow, S; Khan, SA; Stankevic, T; Francoual, S; Mardegan, JRL; Krieger, JA; Strocov, VN; Stahn, J; Vaz, CAF; Ramakrishnan, M; Staub, U; Lefmann, K; Aeppli, G; Arbiol, J; Krogstrup, P | Coherent Epitaxial Semiconductor-Ferromagnetic Insulator InAs/EuS Interfaces: Band Alignment and Magnetic Structure | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 8780 | 8787 | |
Lafuente, M; Pellejero, I; Clemente, A; Urbiztondo, MA; Mallada, R; Reinoso, S; Pina, MP; Gandia, LM | In Situ Synthesis of SERS-Active Au@POM Nanostructures in a Microfluidic Device for Real-Time Detection of Water Pollutants | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 36458 | 36467 | |
Beola, L; Asin, L; Roma-Rodrigues, C; Fernandez-Afonso, Y; Fratila, RM; Serantes, D; Ruta, S; Chantrell, RW; Fernandes, AR; Baptista, PV; de la Fuente, JM; Grazu, V; Gutierrez, L | The Intracellular Number of Magnetic Nanoparticles Modulates the Apoptotic Death Pathway after Magnetic Hyperthermia Treatment | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 43474 | 43487 | |
Chen, Y; Lechaux, Y; Casals, B; Guillet, B; Minj, A; Gazquez, J; Mechin, L; Herranz, G | Photoinduced Persistent Electron Accumulation and Depletion in LaAlO3/SrTiO3 Quantum Wells | 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS | 124 | | ||
Soria, E; Gomez-Rodriguez, P; Tromas, C; Camelio, S; Babonneau, D; Serna, R; Gonzalo, J; Toudert, J | Self-Assembled, 10 nm-Tailored, Near Infrared Plasmonic Metasurface Acting as Broadband Omnidirectional Polarizing Mirror | 2020 | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 8 | | ||
Garcia-Palacin, M; Martinez, JI; Paseta, L; Deacon, A; Johnson, T; Malankowska, M; Tellez, C; Coronas, J | Sized-Controlled ZIF-8 Nanoparticle Synthesis from Recycled Mother Liquors: Environmental Impact Assessment | 2020 | ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING | 8 | 2973 | 2980 | |
Garcia-Soriano, D; Amaro, R; Lafuente-Gomez, N; Milan-Rois, P; Somoza, A; Navio, C; Herranz, F; Gutierrez, L; Salas, G | The influence of cation incorporation and leaching in the properties of Mn-doped nanoparticles for biomedical applications | 2020 | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 578 | 510 | 521 | |
Castillo-Valles, M; Cano, M; Bermejo-Sanz, A; Gimeno, N; Ros, MB | Towards supramolecular nanostructured materials: control of the self-assembly of ionic bent-core amphiphiles | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 8 | 1998 | 2007 | |
Gandia, D; Gandarias, L; Marcano, L; Orue, I; Gil-Carton, D; Alonso, J; Garcia-Arribas, A; Muela, A; Fdez-Gubieda, ML | Elucidating the role of shape anisotropy in faceted magnetic nanoparticles using biogenic magnetosomes as a model | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 16081 | 16090 | |
Raya, AM; Friedl, M; Marti-Sanchez, S; Dubrovskii, VG; Francaviglia, L; Alen, B; Morgan, N; Tutuncuoglu, G; Ramasse, QM; Fuster, D; Llorens, JM; Arbiol, J; Morral, AFI | GaAs nanoscale membranes: prospects for seamless integration of III-Vs on silicon | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 815 | 824 | |
Martinez-Perez, MJ; Muller, B; Lin, J; Rodriguez, LA; Snoeck, E; Kleiner, R; Sese, J; Koelle, D | Magnetic vortex nucleation and annihilation in bi-stable ultra-small ferromagnetic particles | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 2587 | 2595 | |
Gallo-Cordova, A; Espinosa, A; Serrano, A; Gutierrez, L; Menendez, N; Morales, MD; Mazario, E | New insights into the structural analysis of maghemite and (MFe2O4, M = Co, Zn) ferrite nanoparticles synthesized by a microwave-assisted polyol process | 2020 | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS | 4 | 3063 | 3073 | |
Chi, J; Cova, M; de las Rivas, M; Medina, A; Borges, RJ; Leivar, P; Planas, A; Uson, I; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Izquierdo, L | Plasmodium falciparum Apicomplexan-Specific Glucosamine-6-Phosphate N-Acetyltransferase Is Key for Amino Sugar Metabolism and Asexual Blood Stage Development | 2020 | MBIO | 11 | | ||
Torres, D; Perez-Rodriguez, S; Sebastian, D; Pinilla, JL; Lazaro, MJ; Suelves, I | Graphene oxide nanofibers: A nanocarbon material with tuneable electrochemical properties | 2020 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 509 | | ||
Macias-Leon, J; Bermejo, IA; Asin, A; Garcia-Garcia, A; Companon, I; Jimenez-Moreno, E; Coelho, H; Mangini, V; Albuquerque, IS; Marcelo, F; Asensio, JL; Bernardes, GJL; Joshi, HJ; Fiammengo, R; Blixt, O; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Corzana, F | Structural characterization of an unprecedented lectin-like antitumoral anti-MUC1 antibody | 2020 | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | 56 | 15137 | 15140 | |
Ochoa, E; Torres, D; Pinilla, JL; Suelves, I | Influence of carburization time on the activity of Mo2C/CNF catalysts for the HDO of guaiacol | 2020 | CATALYSIS TODAY | 357 | 240 | 247 | |
Etxeberria-Benavides, M; Johnson, T; Cao, S; Zornoza, B; Coronas, J; Sanchez-Lainez, J; Sabetghadam, A; Liu, XL; Andres-Garcia, E; Kapteijn, F; Gascon, J; David, O | PBI mixed matrix hollow fiber membrane: Influence of ZIF-8 filler over H-2/CO2 separation performance at high temperature and pressure | 2020 | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 237 | | ||
Echaide-Gorriz, C; Zapata, JA; Etxeberria-Benavides, M; Tellez, C; Coronas, J | Polyamide/MOF bilayered thin film composite hollow fiber membranes with tuned MOF thickness for water nanofiltration | 2020 | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 236 | | ||
Ochoa, E; Henao, W; Fuertes, S; Torres, D; van Haasterech, T; Scott, E; Bitter, H; Suelves, I; Pinilla, JL | Synthesis and characterization of a supported Pd complex on carbon nanofibers for the selective decarbonylation of stearic acid to 1-heptadecene: the importance of subnanometric Pd dispersion | 2020 | CATALYSIS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY | 10 | 2970 | 2985 | |
Serran-Aguilera, L; Mariotto, E; Rubbini, G; Navas, FFC; Marco, C; Carrasco-Jimenez, MP; Ballarotto, M; Macchiarulo, A; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Viola, G; Lopez-Cara, LC | Synthesis, biological evaluation, in silico modeling and crystallization of novel small monocationic molecules with potent antiproliferative activity by dual mechanism | 2020 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY | 207 | | ||
Pellejero, I; Almazan, F; Lafuente, M; Urbiztondo, MA; Drobek, M; Bechelany, M; Julbe, A; Gandia, LM | Functionalization of 3D printed ABS filters with MOF for toxic gas removal | 2020 | JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY | 89 | 194 | 203 | |
Charisiou, ND; Siakavelas, G; Tzounis, L; Dou, B; Sebastian, V; Hinder, SJ; Baker, MA; Polychronopoulou, K; Goula, MA | Ni/Y2O3-ZrO2 catalyst for hydrogen production through the glycerol steam reforming reaction | 2020 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY | 45 | 10442 | 10460 | |
Andres, MA; Carne-Sanchez, A; Sanchez-Lainez, J; Roubeau, O; Coronas, J; Maspoch, D; Gascon, I | Ultrathin Films of Porous Metal-Organic Polyhedra for Gas Separation | 2020 | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 26 | 143 | 147 | |
Guerrero-Ochoa, P; Aguilar-Machado, D; Ibanez-Perez, R; Macias-Leon, J; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Raso, J; Anel, A | Production of a Granulysin-Based, Tn-Targeted Cytolytic Immunotoxin Using Pulsed Electric Field Technology | 2020 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES | 21 | | ||
Sandoval, S; Muthuswamy, E; Chen, JW; Fuertes, A; Tobias, G; Navrotsky, A | Thermochemistry of nitrogen-doped reduced graphene oxides | 2020 | JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY | 40 | 6322 | 6327 | |
Muro-Fraguas, I; Sainz-Garcia, A; Gomez, PF; Lopez, M; Mugica-Vidal, R; Sainz-Garcia, E; Toledano, P; Saenz, Y; Lopez, M; Gonzalez-Raurich, M; Prieto, M; Alvarez-Ordonez, A; Gonzalez-Marcos, A; Alba-Elias, F | Atmospheric pressure cold plasma anti-biofilm coatings for 3D printed food tools | 2020 | INNOVATIVE FOOD SCIENCE & EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES | 64 | | ||
Lacoma, A; Uson, L; Mendoza, G; Sebastian, V; Garcia-Garcia, E; Muriel-Moreno, B; Dominguez, J; Arruebo, M; Prat, C | Novel intracellular antibiotic delivery system against Staphylococcus aureus: cloxacillin-loaded poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) acid nanoparticles | 2020 | NANOMEDICINE | 15 | 1189 | 1203 | |
Sanchez-Lainez, J; Ballester-Catalan, M; Javierre-Ortin, E; Tellez, C; Coronas, J | Pebax (R) 1041 supported membranes with carbon nanotubes prepared via phase inversion for CO2/N-2 separation | 2020 | DALTON TRANSACTIONS | 49 | 2905 | 2913 | |
Polino, M; Portugal, CAM; Le The, H; Tiggelaar, R; Eijkel, J; Crespo, JG; Coelhoso, IM; Pina, MP; Mallada, R | Enhanced Protein Crystallization on Nafion Membranes Modified by Low-Cost Surface Patterning Techniques | 2020 | CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN | 20 | 2174 | 2186 | |
Daniel, EJP; de las Rivas, M; Lira-Navarrete, E; Garcia-Garcia, A; Hurtado-Guerrero, R; Clausen, H; Gerken, TA | Ser and Thr acceptor preferences of the GalNAc-Ts vary among isoenzymes to modulate mucin-type O-glycosylation | 2020 | GLYCOBIOLOGY | 30 | 910 | 922 | |
Muro-Fraguas, I; Sainz-Garcia, A; Lopez, M; Rojo-Bezares, B; Mugica-Vidal, R; Sainz-Garcia, E; Toledano, P; Saenz, Y; Gonzalez-Marcos, A; Alba-Elias, F | Antibiofilm coatings through atmospheric pressure plasma for 3D printed surgical instruments | 2020 | SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY | 399 | | ||
Xu, PY; Agarwal, S; Albanese, JF; Lefferts, L | Enhanced transport in Gas-Liquid-Solid catalytic reaction by structured wetting properties: Nitrite hydrogenation | 2020 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND PROCESSING-PROCESS INTENSIFICATION | 148 | | ||
Meyer, CI; Regenhardt, SA; Duarte, HA; Zelin, J; Sebastian, V; Garetto, TF; Marchi, AJ | Selective lactose oxidation in aqueous-phase over Ag-Au bimetallic nanoparticles supported on Al2O3 under mild reaction conditions | 2020 | MOLECULAR CATALYSIS | 481 | | ||
Orsini, NJ; Milic, MM; Torres, TE | Zn- and (Mn, Zn)-substituted versus unsubstituted magnetite nanoparticles: structural, magnetic and hyperthermic properties | 2020 | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 31 | | ||
Gobbi, G; Bertarelli, A; Carra, F; Guardia-Valenzuela, J; Redaelli, S | Novel LHC collimator materials: High-energy Hadron beam impact tests and nondestructive postirradiation examination | 2020 | MECHANICS OF ADVANCED MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES | 27 | 1518 | 1530 | |
Anson-Casaos, A; Ciria, JC; Sanahuja-Parejo, O; Victor-Roman, S; Gonzalez-Dominguez, JM; Garcia-Bordeje, E; Benito, AM; Maser, WK | The viscosity of dilute carbon nanotube (1D) and graphene oxide (2D) nanofluids | 2020 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 22 | 11474 | 11484 | |
Diaz, C; Valenzuela, ML; Cifuentes-Vaca, O; Segovia, M; Laguna-Bercero, MA | Iridium nanostructured metal oxide, its inclusion in silica matrix and their activity toward photodegradation of methylene blue | 2020 | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 252 | | ||
Madhav, D; Malankowska, M; Coronas, J | Synthesis of nanoparticles of zeolitic imidazolate framework ZIF-94 using inorganic deprotonators | 2020 | NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY | 44 | 20449 | 20457 | |
Rodriguez-Ramos, R; Otero, JA; Cruz-Gonzalez, OL; Guinovart-Diaz, R; Bravo-Castillero, J; Sabina, FJ; Padilla, P; Lebon, F; Sevostianov, I | Computation of the relaxation effective moduli for fibrous viscoelastic composites using the asymptotic homogenization method | 2020 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOLIDS AND STRUCTURES | 190 | 281 | 290 | |
Felix, LL; Martinez, MAR; Salazar, DGP; Coaquira, JAH | One-step synthesis of polyethyleneimine-coated magnetite nanoparticles and their structural, magnetic and power absorption study | 2020 | RSC ADVANCES | 10 | 41807 | 41815 | |
Bastami, TR; Ghaedi, A; Mitchell, SG; Javadian-Saraf, A; Karimi, M | Sonochemical synthesis of polyoxometalate-stabilized gold nanoparticles for point-of-care determination of acetaminophen levels: preclinical study in an animal model | 2020 | RSC ADVANCES | 10 | 16805 | 16816 | |
Fernandez-Afonso, Y; Salas, G; Fernandez-Barahona, I; Herranz, F; Gruttner, C; de la Fuente, JM; Morales, MD; Gutierrez, L | Smartphone-Based Colorimetric Method to Quantify Iron Concentration and to Determine the Nanoparticle Size from Suspensions of Magnetic Nanoparticles | 2020 | PARTICLE & PARTICLE SYSTEMS CHARACTERIZATION | 37 | | ||
Ghasemi, R; Echeverria, J; Perez-Landazabal, JI; Beato-Lopez, JJ; Naseri, M; Gomez-Polo, C | Effect of Cu substitution on the magnetic and magnetic induction heating response of CdFe2O4 spinel ferrite | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 499 | | ||
Lewandowski, EM; Szczupak, L; Kowalczyk, A; Mendoza, G; Arruebo, M; Jacobs, LMC; Staczek, P; Chen, Y; Kowalski, K | Metallocenyl 7-ACA Conjugates: Antibacterial Activity Studies and Atomic-Resolution X-ray Crystal Structure with CTX-M beta-Lactamase | 2020 | CHEMBIOCHEM | 21 | 2187 | 2195 | |
Huber, C; Pina, MP; Morales, JJ; Mehdaoui, A | A Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System Combining Functionalized and Non-Functionalized Microcantilevers | 2020 | MICROMACHINES | 11 | | ||
Obermair, M; Hettler, S; Hsieh, C; Dries, M; Marko, M; Gerthsen, D | Analyzing contrast in cryo-transmission electron microscopy: Comparison of electrostatic Zach phase plates and hole-free phase plates | 2020 | ULTRAMICROSCOPY | 218 | | ||
Herrera-Rivera, R; Morales-Bautista, J; Pineda-Reyes, AM; Rojas-Chavez, H; Maldonado, A; Vilchis, H; Montejo-Alvaro, F; Salinas-Juarez, MG; Olvera, MD | Influence of Cu and Ni dopants on the sensing properties of ZnO gas sensor | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS | | |||
Otero, JA; Rodriguez-Ramos, R; Guinovart-Diaz, R; Cruz-Gonzalez, OL; Sabina, FJ; Berger, H; Bohlke, T | Asymptotic and numerical homogenization methods applied to fibrous viscoelastic composites using Prony's series | 2020 | ACTA MECHANICA | 231 | 2761 | 2771 | |
Garcia-Salinas, S; Gamez, E; Asin, J; de Miguel, R; Andreu, V; Sancho-Albero, M; Mendoza, G; Irusta, S; Arruebo, M | Efficiency of Antimicrobial Electrospun Thymol-Loaded Polycaprolactone Mats In Vivo | 2020 | ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS | 3 | 3430 | 3439 | |
Sanz, B; Cabreira-Gomes, R; Torres, TE; Valdes, DP; Lima, E; De Biasi, E; Zysler, RD; Ibarra, MR; Goya, GF | Low-Dimensional Assemblies of Magnetic MnFe2O4 Nanoparticles and Direct In Vitro Measurements of Enhanced Heating Driven by Dipolar Interactions: Implications for Magnetic Hyperthermia | 2020 | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS | 3 | 8719 | 8731 | |
Sideri, Ioanna K.; Arenal, Raul; Tagmatarchis, Nikos | Covalently Functionalized MoS2 with Dithiolenes | 2020 | ACS MATERIALS LETTERS | 2 | 832 | 837 | |
Llorens, JB; Guillamon, I; Serrano, IG; Cordoba, R; Sese, J; De Teresa, JM; Ibarra, MR; Vieira, S; Ortuno, M; Suderow, H | Disordered hyperuniformity in superconducting vortex lattices | 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH | 2 | | ||
Julian, I; Roedern, MB; Hueso, JL; Irusta, S; Baden, AK; Mallada, R; Davis, Z; Santamaria, J | Supercritical solvothermal synthesis under reducing conditions to increase stability and durability of Mo/ZSM-5 catalysts in methane dehydroaromatization | 2020 | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL | 263 | | ||
Faghani, A; Gholami, MF; Trunk, M; Muller, J; Pachfule, P; Vogl, S; Donskyi, I; Li, MJ; Nickl, P; Shao, JJ; Huang, MRS; Unger, WES; Arenal, R; Koch, CT; Paulus, B; Rabe, JP; Thomas, A; Haag, R; Adeli, M | Metal-Assisted and Solvent-Mediated Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Triazine Structures on Gram Scale | 2020 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 142 | 12976 | 12986 | |
Gimeno, I; Kersten, W; Pallares, MC; Hermosilla, P; Martinez-Perez, MJ; Jenkins, MD; Angerer, A; Sanchez-Azqueta, C; Zueco, D; Majer, J; Lostao, A; Luis, F | Enhanced Molecular Spin-Photon Coupling at Superconducting Nanoconstrictions | 2020 | ACS NANO | 14 | 8707 | 8715 | |
Sanz-Hernandez, D; Hierro-Rodriguez, A; Donnelly, C; Pablo-Navarro, J; Sorrentino, A; Pereiro, E; Magen, C; McVitie, S; de Teresa, JM; Ferrer, S; Fischer, P; Fernandez-Pacheco, A | Artificial Double-Helix for Geometrical Control of Magnetic Chirality | 2020 | ACS NANO | 14 | 8084 | 8092 | |
Hettler, S; Sreedhara, MB; Serra, M; Sinha, SS; Popovitz-Biro, R; Pinkas, I; Enyashin, AN; Tenne, R; Arenal, R | YS-TaS2 and YxLa1-xS-TaS2 (0 <= x <= 1) Nanotubes: A Family of Misfit Layered Compounds | 2020 | ACS NANO | 14 | 5445 | 5458 | |
Ruiz del Arbol, Nerea; Sanchez-Sanchez, Carlos; Otero-Irurueta, Gonzalo; Martinez, Jose, I; de Andres, Pedro L.; Gomez-Herrero, Ana C.; Merino, Pablo; Piantek, Marten; Serrate, David; Lacovig, Paolo; Lizzit, Silvano; Aleman, Jose; Ellis, Gary J.; Lopez, Maria F.; Martin-Gago, Jose A. | On-Surface Driven Formal Michael Addition Producesm-Polyaniline Oligomers on Pt(111) | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 23220 | 23227 | |
Mayoral, A; Zhang, Q; Zhou, Y; Chen, PY; Ma, YH; Monji, T; Losch, P; Schmidt, W; Schuth, F; Hirao, H; Yu, JH; Terasaki, O | Direct Atomic-Level Imaging of Zeolites: Oxygen, Sodium in Na-LTA and Iron in Fe-MFI | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 19510 | 19517 | |
Zhang, Q; Mayoral, A; Li, JY; Ruan, JF; Alfredsson, V; Ma, YH; Yu, JH; Terasaki, O | Electron Microscopy Studies of Local Structural Modulations in Zeolite Crystals | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 19403 | 19413 | |
Gao, ZR; Li, J; Lin, C; Mayoral, A; Sun, JL; Camblor, MA | HPM-14: A New Germanosilicate Zeolite with Interconnected Extra-Large Pores Plus Odd-Membered and Small Pores** | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | | |||
Sarma, BB; Kim, J; Amsler, J; Agostini, G; Weidenthaler, C; Pfander, N; Arenal, R; Concepcion, P; Plessow, P; Studt, F; Prieto, G | One-Pot Cooperation of Single-Atom Rh and Ru Solid Catalysts for a Selective Tandem Olefin Isomerization-Hydrosilylation Process | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 5806 | 5815 | |
Canton-Vitoria, R; Scharl, T; Stergiou, A; Cadranel, A; Arenal, R; Guldi, DM; Tagmatarchis, N | Ping-Pong Energy Transfer in Covalently Linked Porphyrin-MoS2 Architectures | 2020 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 59 | 3976 | 3981 | |
de las Rivas, Matilde; Paul Daniel, Earnest James; Narimatsu, Yoshiki; Companon, Ismael; Kato, Kentaro; Hermosilla, Pablo; Thureau, Aurelien; Ceballos-Laita, Laura; Coelho, Helena; Bernado, Pau; Marcelo, Filipa; Hansen, Lars; Maeda, Ryota; Lostao, Anabel; Corzana, Francisco; Clausen, Henrik; Gerken, Thomas A.; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon | Molecular basis for fibroblast growth factor 23 O-glycosylation by GalNAc-T3 | 2020 | NATURE CHEMICAL BIOLOGY | 16 | 351 | + | |
Manai, G; Houimel, H; Rigoulet, M; Gillet, A; Fazzini, PF; Ibarra, A; Balor, S; Roblin, P; Esvan, J; Coppek, Y; Chaudret, B; Bonduelle, C; Tricard, S | Bidimensional lamellar assembly by coordination of peptidic homopolymers to platinum nanoparticles | 2020 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 11 | | ||
Guo, QK; Farokhipoor, S; Magen, C; Rivadulla, F; Noheda, B | Tunable resistivity exponents in the metallic phase of epitaxial nickelates | 2020 | NATURE COMMUNICATIONS | 11 | | ||
Chiodini, S; Ruiz-Rincon, S; Garcia, PD; Martin, S; Kettelhoit, K; Armenia, I; Werz, DB; Cea, P | Bottom Effect in Atomic Force Microscopy Nanomechanics | 2020 | SMALL | 16 | | ||
Kovalevsky, AV; Zakharchuk, KV; Aguirre, MH; Xie, W; Patricio, SG; Ferreira, NM; Lopes, D; Sergiienko, SA; Constantinescu, G; Mikhalev, SM; Weidenkaff, A; Frade, JR | Redox engineering of strontium titanate-based thermoelectrics | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 8 | 7317 | 7330 | |
Manno, R; Ranjan, P; Sebastian, V; Mallada, R; Irusta, S; Sharma, UK; Van der Eycken, EV; Santamaria, J | Continuous Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Silver Nanoclusters Confined in Mesoporous SBA-15: Application in Alkyne Cyclizations | 2020 | CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS | 32 | 2874 | 2883 | |
Lafuente, M; Sanz, D; Urbiztondo, M; Santamaria, J; Pina, MP; Mallada, R | Gas phase detection of chemical warfare agents CWAs with portable Raman | 2020 | JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS | 384 | | ||
Mas, N; Hueso, JL; Martinez, G; Madrid, A; Mallada, R; Ortega-Liebana, MC; Bueno-Alejo, C; Santamaria, J | Laser-driven direct synthesis of carbon nanodots and application as sensitizers for visible-light photocatalysis | 2020 | CARBON | 156 | 453 | 462 | |
Garcia-Salinas, S; Gamez, E; Landa, G; Arruebo, M; Irusta, S; Mendoza, G | Antimicrobial Wound Dressings against Fluorescent and Methicillin-Sensitive Intracellular Pathogenic Bacteria | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 51302 | 51313 | |
Almazan, F; Urbiztondo, MA; Serra-Crespo, P; Seoane, B; Gascon, J; Santamaria, J; Pina, MP | Cu-BTC Functional Microdevices as Smart Tools for Capture and Preconcentration of Nerve Agents | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 42622 | 42633 | |
Nufer, S; Lynch, PJ; Large, MJ; Ogilvie, SP; Salvage, JP; Pelaez-Fernandez, M; Waters, T; Jurewicz, I; Munoz, E; Arenal, R; Benito, AM; Maser, WK; Tagmatarchis, N; Ewels, CP; Brunton, A; Dalton, AB | Laser-Deposited Carbon Aerogel Derived from Graphene Oxide Enables NO2-Selective Parts-per-Billion Sensing | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 39541 | 39548 | |
Zhang, QZ; Sanchez-Fuentes, D; Desgarceaux, R; Escofet-Majoral, P; Oro-soler, J; Gazquez, J; Larrieu, G; Chariot, B; Gomez, A; Gich, M; Carretero-Genevrier, A | Micro/Nanostructure Engineering of Epitaxial Piezoelectric alpha-Quartz Thin Films on Silicon | 2020 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 12 | 4732 | 4740 | |
Hernandez-Rodriguez, MA; Brites, CDS; Antorrena, G; Pinol, R; Cases, R; Perez-Garcia, L; Rodrigues, M; Plaza, JA; Torras, N; Diez, I; Millan, A; Carlos, LD | Lanthanide Luminescence to Mimic Molecular Logic and Computing through Physical Inputs | 2020 | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | 8 | | ||
Backes, C; Abdelkader, AM; Alonso, C; Andrieux-Ledier, A; Arenal, R; Azpeitia, J; Balakrishnan, N; Banszerus, L; Barjon, J; Bartali, R; Bellani, S; Berger, C; Berger, R; Ortega, MMB; Bernard, C; Beton, PH; Beyer, A; Bianco, A; Boggild, P; Bonaccorso, F; Barin, GB; Botas, C; Bueno, RA; Carriazo, D; Castellanos-Gomez, A; Christian, M; Ciesielski, A; Ciuk, T; Cole, MT; Coleman, J; Coletti, C; Crema, L; Cun, HY; Dasler, D; De Fazio, D; Diez, N; Drieschner, S; Duesberg, GS; Fasel, R; Feng, XL; Fina, A; Forti, S; Galiotis, C; Garberoglio, G; Garcia, JM; Garrido, JA; Gibertini, M; Golzhauser, A; Gomez, J; Greber, T; Hauke, F; Hemmi, A; Hernandez-Rodriguez, I; Hirsch, A; Hodge, SA; Huttel, Y; Jepsen, PU; Jimenez, I; Kaiser, U; Kaplas, T; Kim, H; Kis, A; Papagelis, K; Kostarelos, K; Krajewska, A; Lee, K; Li, CF; Lipsanen, H; Liscio, A; Lohe, MR; Loiseau, A; Lombardi, L; Lopez, MF; Martin, O; Martin, C; Martinez, L; Martin-Gago, JA; Martinez, JI; Marzari, N; Mayoral, A; McManus, J; Melucci, M; Mendez, J; Merino, C; Merino, P; Meyer, AP; Miniussi, E; Miseikis, V; Mishra, N; Morandi, V; Munuera, C; Munoz, R; Nolan, H; Ortolani, L; Ott, AK; Palacio, I; Palermo, V; Parthenios, J; Pasternak, I; Patane, A; Prato, M; Prevost, H; Prudkovskiy, V; Pugno, N; Rojo, T; Rossi, A; Ruffieux, P; Samori, P; Schue, L; Setijadi, E; Seyller, T; Speranza, G; Stampfer, C; Stenger, I; Strupinski, W; Svirko, Y; Taioli, S; Teo, KBK; Testi, M; Tomarchio, F; Tortello, M; Treossi, E; Turchanin, A; Vazquez, E; Villaro, E; Whelan, PR; Xia, ZY; Yakimova, R; Yang, S; Yazdi, GR; Yim, C; Yoon, D; Zhang, XH; Zhuang, XD; Colombo, L; Ferrari, AC; Garcia-Hernandez, M | Production and processing of graphene and related materials | 2020 | 2D MATERIALS | 7 | | ||
Escorihuela, Enrique; Cea, Pilar; Bock, Soren; Milan, David C.; Naghibi, Saman; Osorio, Henrry M.; Nichols, Richard J.; Low, Paul J.; Martin, Santiago | Towards the design of effective multipodal contacts for use in the construction of Langmuir-Blodgett films and molecular junctions | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 8 | 672 | 682 | |
Jaafar, M; Pablo-Navarro, J; Berganza, E; Ares, P; Magen, C; Masseboeuf, A; Gatel, C; Snoeck, E; Gomez-Herrero, J; de Teresa, JM; Asenjo, A | Customized MFM probes based on magnetic nanorods | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 10090 | 10097 | |
Berganza, E; Jaafar, M; Fernandez-Roldan, JA; Goiriena-Goikoetxea, M; Pablo-Navarro, J; Garcia-Arribas, A; Guslienko, K; Magen, C; De Teresa, JM; Chubykalo-Fesenko, O; Asenjo, A | Half-hedgehog spin textures in sub-100 nm soft magnetic nanodots | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 18646 | 18653 | |
Muzzi, B; Albino, M; Innocenti, C; Petrecca, M; Cortigiani, B; Fernandez, CD; Bertoni, G; Fernandez-Pacheco, R; Ibarra, A; Marquina, C; Ibarra, MR; Sangregorio, C | Unraveling the mechanism of the one-pot synthesis of exchange coupled Co-based nano-heterostructures with a high energy product | 2020 | NANOSCALE | 12 | 14076 | 14086 | |
Martin-Gonzalez, Marisol; Martinez-Moro, Rut; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Flores, Eduardo; Caballero-Calero, Olga | Unravelling nanoporous anodic iron oxide formation | 2020 | ELECTROCHIMICA ACTA | 330 | | ||
Vila, M; Rubio-Zuazo, J; Lucas, I; Magen, C; Prados, A; Salas-Colera, E; Arnay, I; Castro, GR | Ferromagnetic epitaxial Cr2O3 thin films grown on oxide substrates by Pulsed Laser Deposition | 2020 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 534 | | ||
Lafuente, M; Ruiz-Rincon, S; Mallada, R; Cea, P; Pina, MP | Towards the reproducible fabrication of homogeneous SERS substrates by Langmuir-Schaefer technique: A low cost and scalable approach for practical SERS based sensing applications | 2020 | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE | 506 | | ||
Bueno-Alejo, CJ; Arca-Ramos, A; Hueso, JL; Santamaria, J | LED-driven continuous flow carbon dioxide hydrogenation on a nickel-based catalyst | 2020 | CATALYSIS TODAY | 355 | 678 | 684 | |
Paseta, L; Luque-Alled, JM; Malankowska, M; Navarro, M; Gorgojo, P; Coronas, J; Tellez, C | Functionalized graphene-based polyamide thin film nanocomposite membranes for organic solvent nanofiltration | 2020 | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 247 | | ||
Kim, Kyung Ho; He, Hans; Rodner, Marius; Yakimova, Rositsa; Larsson, Karin; Piantek, Marten; Serrate, David; Zakharov, Alexei; Kubatkin, Sergey; Eriksson, Jens; Lara-Avila, Samuel | Chemical Sensing with Atomically Thin Platinum Templated by a 2D Insulator | 2020 | ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES | 7 | | ||
Kagkoura, A; Canton-Vitoria, R; Vallan, L; Hernandez-Ferrer, J; Benito, AM; Maser, WK; Arenal, R; Tagmatarchis, N | Bottom-Up Synthesized MoS2 Interfacing Polymer Carbon Nanodots with Electrocatalytic Activity for Hydrogen Evolution | 2020 | CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL | 26 | 6635 | 6642 | |
Gamez-Herrera, E; Garcia-Salinas, S; Salido, S; Sancho-Albero, M; Andreu, V; Perez, M; Lujan, L; Irusta, S; Arruebo, M; Mendoza, G | Drug-eluting wound dressings having sustained release of antimicrobial compounds | 2020 | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS | 152 | 327 | 339 | |
Ruiz-Rincon, S; Gonzalez-Orive, A; Grazu, V; Fratila, RM; de la Fuente, JM; Cea, P | Altering model cell membranes by means of localized magnetic heating | 2020 | COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES | 196 | | ||
Gamez, E; Elizondo-Castillo, H; Tascon, J; Garcia-Salinas, S; Navascues, N; Mendoza, G; Arruebo, M; Irusta, S | Antibacterial Effect of Thymol Loaded SBA-15 Nanorods Incorporated in PCL Electrospun Fibers | 2020 | NANOMATERIALS | 10 | | ||
Sedelnikova, Olga, V; Gurova, Olga A.; Makarova, Anna A.; Fedorenko, Anastasiya D.; Nikolenko, Anton D.; Plyusnin, Pavel E.; Arenal, Raul; Bulusheva, Lyubov G.; Okotrub, Alexander, V | Light-Induced Sulfur Transport inside Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes | 2020 | NANOMATERIALS | 10 | | ||
Salvador-Porroche, A; Sangiao, S; Philipp, P; Cea, P; De Teresa, JM | Optimization of Pt-C Deposits by Cryo-FIBID: Substantial Growth Rate Increase and Quasi-Metallic Behaviour | 2020 | NANOMATERIALS | 10 | | ||
Canton-Vitoria, R; Sayed-Ahmad-Baraza, Y; Humbert, B; Arenal, R; Ewels, CP; Tagmatarchis, N | Pyrene Coating Transition Metal Disulfides as Protection from Photooxidation and Environmental Aging | 2020 | NANOMATERIALS | 10 | | ||
Kagkoura, A; Arenal, R; Tagmatarchis, N | Sulfur-Doped Carbon Nanohorn Bifunctional Electrocatalyst for Water Splitting | 2020 | NANOMATERIALS | 10 | | ||
Schelling, M; Kim, M; Otal, E; Aguirre, M; Hinestroza, JP | Synthesis of a zinc-imidazole metal-organic framework (ZIF-8) using ZnO rods grown on cotton fabrics as precursors: arsenate absorption studies | 2020 | CELLULOSE | 27 | 6399 | 6410 | |
Mattiat, H; Rossi, N; Gross, B; Pablo-Navarro, J; Magen, C; Badea, R; Berezovsky, J; De Teresa, JM; Poggio, M | Nanowire Magnetic Force Sensors Fabricated by Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced Deposition | 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED | 13 | | ||
Bartolome, E.; Bartolome, J.; Sedona, F.; Lobo-Checa, J.; Forrer, D.; Herrero-Albillos, J.; Piantek, M.; Herrero-Martin, J.; Betto, D.; Velez-Fort, E.; Garcia, L. M.; Panighel, M.; Mugarza, A.; Sambi, M.; Bartolome, F. | Enhanced Magnetism through Oxygenation of FePc/Ag(110) Monolayer Phases | 2020 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 124 | 13993 | 14006 | |
Zhao, JL; Mayoral, A; Martinez, L; Johansson, MP; Djurabekova, F; Huttel, Y | Core-Satellite Gold Nanoparticle Complexes Grown by Inert Gas-Phase Condensation | 2020 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 124 | 24441 | 24450 | |
del Arbol, NR; Palacio, I; Sanchez-Sanchez, C; Otero-Irurueta, G; Martinez, JI; Rodriguez, L; Serrate, D; Cossaro, A; Lacovig, P; Lizzit, S; Verdini, A; Floreano, L; Martin-Gago, JA; Lopez, MF | Role of the Metal Surface on the Room Temperature Activation of the Alcohol and Amino Groups of p-Aminophenol | 2020 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 124 | 19655 | 19665 | |
Gomez-Hortiguela, L; Mayoral, A; Liu, HN; Sierra, L; Vaquerizo, L; Mompean, C; Perez-Pariente, J | Synthesis of large-pore zeolites from chiral structure-directing agents with twol-prolinol units | 2020 | DALTON TRANSACTIONS | 49 | 9618 | 9631 | |
Acevedo, WR; van den Bosch, CAM; Aguirre, MH; Acha, C; Cavallaro, A; Ferreyra, C; Sanchez, MJ; Patrone, L; Aguadero, A; Rubi, D | Large memcapacitance and memristance at Nb:SrTiO3/La0.5Sr0.5Mn0.5Co0.5O3-delta topotactic redox interface | 2020 | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 116 | | ||
Acevedo, WR; van den Bosch, CAM; Aguirre, MH; Acha, C; Cavallaro, A; Ferreyra, C; Sanchez, MJ; Patrone, L; Aguadero, A; Rubi, D | Large memcapacitance and memristance at Nb:SrTiO3/La0.5Sr0.5Mn0.5Co0.5O3-delta topotactic redox interface (vol 116, 063502, 2020) | 2020 | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 116 | | ||
Ferreiro-Vila, E; Bugallo, D; Magen, C; Rivadulla, F; De Teresa, JM | Topotactic transformation in SrFeO3- | 2020 | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 116 | | ||
Pedroso, AL; Barral, MA; Graf, ME; Llois, AM; Aguirre, MH; Steren, LB; Di Napoli, S | Strain-induced magnetic transition in CaMnO3 ultrathin films | 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 102 | | ||
Fabris, Fernando; Lohr, Javier; Lima, Enio; de Almeida, Adriele Aparecida; Troiani, Horacio E; Rodriguez, Luis M; Vasquez Mansilla, Marcelo; Aguirre, Myriam H; Goya, Gerardo F; Rinaldi, Daniele; Ghirri, Alberto; Peddis, Davide; Fiorani, Dino; Zysler, Roberto D; De Biasi, Emilio; Winkler, Elin L | Adjusting the Neel relaxation time of Fe3O4/Zn x Co1-x Fe2O4 core/shell nanoparticles for optimal heat generation in magnetic hyperthermia. | 2020 | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 32 | 65703 | 65703 | |
Ferreyra, C; Sanchez, MJ; Aguirre, M; Acha, C; Bengio, S; Lecourt, J; Luders, U; Rubi, D | Selective activation of memristive interfaces in TaOx-based devices by controlling oxygen vacancies dynamics at the nanoscale | 2020 | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 31 | | ||
Ortega-Liebana, MC; Bonet-Aleta, J; Hueso, JL; Santamaria, J | Gold-Based Nanoparticles on Amino-Functionalized Mesoporous Silica Supports as Nanozymes for Glucose Oxidation | 2020 | CATALYSTS | 10 | | ||
Coffey, David; de la Fuente, Cesar; Ciria, Miguel; Serrate, David; Loth, Sebastian; Ignacio Arnaudas, Jose | Mixed 4f population of Tm adatoms on insulating Cu2N islands | 2020 | PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS | 22 | 196 | 202 | |
Sarantopoulos, Alexandros; Saha, Dipanjan; Ong, Wee-Liat; Magen, Cesar; Malen, Jonathan A.; Rivadulla, Francisco | Reduction of thermal conductivity in ferroelectric SrTiO3 thin films | 2020 | PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS | 4 | | ||
Mato, A; Agundez, J; Marquez-Alvarez, C; Mayoral, A; Perez-Pariente, J | Modulation of the Activity of Gold Clusters Immobilized on Functionalized Mesoporous Materials in the Oxidation of Cyclohexene via the Functional Group. The Case of Aminopropyl Moiety | 2020 | MOLECULES | 25 | | ||
Fernandez-Pacheco, A; Skoric, L; De Teresa, JM; Pablo-Navarro, J; Huth, M; Dobrovolskiy, OV | Writing 3D Nanomagnets Using Focused Electron Beams | 2020 | MATERIALS | 13 | | ||
Fuentes-Garcia, JA; Alavarse, AC; Maldonado, ACM; Toro-Cordova, A; Ibarra, MR; Goya, GF | Simple Sonochemical Method to Optimize the Heating Efficiency of Magnetic Nanoparticles for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia | 2020 | ACS OMEGA | 5 | 26357 | 26364 | |
Begue, A; Proietti, MG; Arnaudas, JI; Ciria, M | Magnetic ripple domain structure in FeGa/MgO thin films | 2020 | JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS | 498 | | ||
Cordoba, R; Ibarra, A; Mailly, D; Guillamon, I; Suderow, H; De Teresa, JM | 3D superconducting hollow nanowires with tailored diameters grown by focused He+ beam direct writing | 2020 | BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY | 11 | 1198 | 1206 | |
Ordonez, JE; Marin, L; Rodriguez, LA; Algarabel, PA; Pardo, JA; Guzman, R; Morellon, L; Magen, C; Snoeck, E; Gomez, ME; Ibarra, MR | Observation of unexpected uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 films by a BaTiO3 overlayer in an artificial multiferroic bilayer | 2020 | BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY | 11 | 651 | 661 | |
De Teresa, JM; Orus, P; Cordoba, R; Philipp, P | Comparison between Focused Electron/Ion Beam-Induced Deposition at Room Temperature and under Cryogenic Conditions (vol 10, 799, 2019) | 2020 | MICROMACHINES | 11 | | ||
Carrero, A; Roman, A; Aguirre, M; Steren, LB | Nanoscale structural characterization of manganite thin films integrated to silicon correlated with their magnetic and electric properties | 2020 | THIN SOLID FILMS | 709 | | ||
Urdiroz, U; Teixeira, BMS; Palomares, FJ; Gonzalez, JM; Sobolev, NA; Cebollada, F; Mayoral, A | Dynamic magnetic properties of amorphous Fe80B20 thin films and their relation to interfaces | 2020 | AIP ADVANCES | 10 | |

Universidad de Zaragoza

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Actividad de I+D+I realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza cofinanciada por el Gobierno de Aragón
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
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