Publicaciones LMA 2021
A continuación se listan las publicaciones en las que sus autores han hecho uso del equipamiento del LMA y/o en las que dichos autores son personal del LMA.
Article Title | Authors | Publication Year | Source Title | Volume | Start Page | End Page | DOI |
A Comprehensive Study of Al0.6Ti0.4N Coatings Deposited by Cathodic Arc and HiPIMS PVD Methods in Relation to Their Cutting Performance during the Machining of an Inconel 718 Alloy | Reolon, Luca W.; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Yamamoto, Kenji; Zhao, Qinfu; Zhitomirsky, Igor; Fox-Rabinovich, German; Veldhuis, Stephen Clarence | 2021 | COATINGS | 11 | | ||
A Detailed Investigation of the Onion Structure of Exchanged Coupled Magnetic Fe3-delta O4@CoFe2O4@Fe3-delta O4 Nanoparticles | Sartori, Kevin; Musat, Anamaria; Choueikani, Fadi; Greneche, Jean-Marc; Hettler, Simon; Bencok, Peter; Begin-Colin, Sylvie; Steadman, Paul; Arenal, Raul; Pichon, Benoit P. | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 16784 | 16800 | |
A singlet-triplet hole spin qubit in planar Ge | Jirovec, Daniel; Hofmann, Andrea; Ballabio, Andrea; Mutter, Philipp M.; Tavani, Giulio; Botifoll, Marc; Crippa, Alessandro; Kukucka, Josip; Sagi, Oliver; Martins, Frederico; Saez-Mollejo, Jaime; Prieto, Ivan; Borovkov, Maksim; Arbiol, Jordi; Chrastina, Daniel; Isella, Giovanni; Katsaros, Georgios | 2021 | NATURE MATERIALS | 20 | 1106 | + | |
Absence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in Natural Environment Exposure in Sheep in Close Contact with Humans | Villanueva-Saz, Sergio; Giner, Jacobo; Fernandez, Antonio; Lacasta, Delia; Ortin, Aurora; Jose Ramos, Juan; Miguel Ferrer, Luis; Ruiz de Arcaute, Marta; Pilar Tobajas, Ana; Dolores Perez, Maria; Verde, Maite; Marteles, Diana; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon; Pardo, Julian; Santiago, Llipsy; Manuel Gonzalez-Ramirez, Andres; Macias-Leon, Javier; Garcia-Garcia, Ana; Taleb, Victor; Lira-Navarrete, Erandi; Ramon Pano-Pardo, Jose; Ruiz, Hector | 2021 | ANIMALS | 11 | | ||
Anisotropic Au-ZnO photocatalyst for the visible-light expanded oxidation of n-hexane | Bueno-Alejo, Carlos J.; Graus, Javier; Arenal, Raul; Lafuente, Marta; Bottega-Pergher, Bruno; Hueso, Jose L. | 2021 | CATALYSIS TODAY | 362 | 97 | 103 | |
Block copolymer-based magnetic mixed matrix membranes-effect of magnetic field on protein permeation and membrane fouling | Upadhyaya, L; Semsarilar, M; Quemener, D; Fernandez-Pacheco, R; Martinez, G; Coelhoso, IM; Nunes, SP; Crespo, JG; Mallada, R; Portugal, CAM | 2021 | MEMBRANES | 11 | | ||
Asymmetric misfit nanotubes: Chemical affinity outwits the entropy at high-temperature solid-state reactions | Sreedhara, M. B.; Hettler, Simon; Kaplan-Ashiri, Ifat; Rechav, Katya; Feldman, Yishay; Enyashin, Andrey; Houben, Lothar; Arenal, R.; Tenne, Reshef | 2021 | PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA | 118 | | ||
Atmospheric pressure chemical vapor deposition growth of vertically aligned SnS2 and SnSe2 nanosheets | Sierra-Castillo, A; Haye, E; Acosta, S; Arenal, R; Bittencourt, C; Colomer, JF | 2021 | RSC ADVANCES | 11 | 36483 | 36493 | |
Atmospheric-pressure plasma treatments of NBR for the improvement of adhesion in footwear applications | Mugica-Vidal, Rodolfo; Mercadal-Guillen, Juan; Sainz-Garcia, Elisa; -Elias, Fernando Alba | 2021 | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADHESION AND ADHESIVES | 108 | | ||
Atomic Force Microscopy to Elicit Conformational Transitions of Ferredoxin-Dependent Flavin Thioredoxin Reductases | Marcuello, Carlos; Frempong, Gifty Animwaa; Balsera, Monica; Medina, Milagros; Lostao, Anabel | 2021 | ANTIOXIDANTS | 10 | | ||
Atomic Force Microscopy: Single-Molecule Imaging and Force Spectroscopy in the Study of Flavoproteins Ligand Binding and Reaction Mechanisms | Lostao, Anabel; Medina, Milagros | 2021 | METHODS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY (FLAVIN AND FLAVOPROTEINS) | 2280 | 157 | 178 | |
Cavitation intensifying bags improve ultrasonic advanced oxidation with Pd/Al2O3 catalyst | Pappaterra, Maria; Xu, Pengyu; van der Meer, Walter; Faria, Jimmy A.; Rivas, David Fernandez | 2021 | ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY | 70 | | ||
Chalcogenide nanoparticles and organic photosensitizers for synergetic antimicrobial photodynamic therapy | Garin, Carlos; Alejo, Teresa; Perez-Laguna, Vanesa; Prieto, Martin; Mendoza, Gracia; Arruebo, Manuel; Sebastian, Victor; Rezusta, Antonio | 2021 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B | 9 | 6246 | 6259 | |
Characterization of W-type hexaferrite thin films prepared by chemical solution deposition | Soroka, Miroslav; Bursik, Josef; Kuzel, Radomir; Prokleska, Jan; Aguirre, Myriam H. | 2021 | THIN SOLID FILMS | 726 | | ||
Coating of Magnetite Nanoparticles with Fucoidan to Enhance Magnetic Hyperthermia Efficiency | Goncalves, J; Nunes, C; Ferreira, L; Cruz, MM; Oliveira, H; Bastos, V; Mayoral, A; Zhang, Q; Ferreira, P | 2021 | NANOMATERIALS | 11 | | ||
Colloidal Stability and Concentration Effects on Nanoparticle Heat Delivery for Magnetic Fluid Hyperthermia | Pilati, Vanessa; Gomide, Guilherme; Gomes, Rafael Cabreira; Goya, Gerardo F.; Depeyrot, Jerome | 2021 | LANGMUIR | 37 | 1129 | 1140 | |
Comparative image simulations for phase-plate transmission electron microscopy | Hettler, Simon; Arenal, Raul | 2021 | ULTRAMICROSCOPY | 227 | | ||
Contactless magnetic nanoparticle detection platform based on non-linear GMI effect | Jesus Beato-Lopez, Juan; Maria Algueta-Miguel, Jose; Gomez-Polo, Cristina | 2021 | MEASUREMENT | 180 | | ||
Controlled Chemical Functionalization toward 3D-2D Carbon Nanohorn-MoS2 Heterostructures with Enhanced Electrocatalytic Activity for Protons Reduction | Kagkoura, Antonia; Arenal, Raul; Tagmatarchis, Nikos | 2021 | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | 31 | | ||
Controlled Growth of Dendrimer-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: A Solvent-Free Process in Mild Conditions | Antonio Ulloa, Jose; Barbera, Joaquin; Luis Serrano, Jose | 2021 | ACS OMEGA | 6 | 348 | 357 | |
Controlled modification of sodium montmorillonite clay by a planetary ball-mill as a versatile tool to tune its properties | Valera-Zaragoza, Mario; Aguero-Valdez, Diana; Lopez-Medina, Margarita; Dehesa-Blas, Shunashi; Karin Navarro-Mtz, A.; Avalos-Borja, Miguel; Juarez-Arellano, Erick A. | 2021 | ADVANCED POWDER TECHNOLOGY | 32 | 591 | 599 | |
Conversion of sugars to methyl lactate with exfoliated layered stannosilicate UZAR-S4 | Murillo, Beatriz; de la Iglesia, Oscar; Rubio, Cesar; Coronas, Joaquin; Tellez, Carlos | 2021 | CATALYSIS TODAY | 362 | 90 | 96 | |
Critical current modulation induced by an electric field in superconducting tungsten-carbon nanowires | Orus, Pablo; Fomin, Vladimir M.; Maria De Teresa, Jose; Cordoba, Rosa | 2021 | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | 11 | | ||
Critical Parameters to Improve Pancreatic Cancer Treatment Using Magnetic Hyperthermia: Field Conditions, Immune Response, and Particle Biodistribution | Beola, Lilianne; Grazu, Valeria; Fernandez-Afonso, Yilian; Fratila, Raluca M.; de las Heras, Marcelo; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Gutierrez, Lucia; Asin, Laura | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 12982 | 12996 | |
Cryo-Focused Ion Beam-Induced Deposition of Tungsten-Carbon Nanostructures Using a Thermoelectric Plate | Orus, P; Sigloch, F; Sangiao, S; De Teresa, JM | 2021 | APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL | 11 | | ||
Crystal engineering and ferroelectricity at the nanoscale in epitaxial 1D manganese oxide on silicon | Gomez, Andres; Manuel Vila-Fungueirino, Jose; Jolly, Claire; Garcia-Bermejo, Ricardo; Oro-Sole, Judith; Ferain, Etienne; Mestres, Narcis; Magen, Cesar; Gazquez, Jaume; Rodriguez-Carvajal, Juan; Carretero-Genevrier, Adrian | 2021 | NANOSCALE | 13 | 9615 | 9625 | |
Custom-sized graphene oxide for the hydrolysis of cellulose | Frecha, E.; Torres, D.; Suelves, I; Pinilla, J. L. | 2021 | CARBON | 175 | 429 | 439 | |
Decoupling manufacturing from application in additive manufactured antimicrobial materials | Wales, Dominic J.; Miralles-Comins, Sara; Franco-Castillo, Isabel; Cameron, Jamie M.; Cao, Qun; Karjalainen, Erno; Alves Fernandes, Jesum; Newton, Graham N.; Mitchell, Scott G.; Sans, Victor | 2021 | BIOMATERIALS SCIENCE | 9 | 5467 | 5476 | |
Design, characterization and evaluation of Ce-modified cobalt catalysts supported on alpha alumina in the abatement of methane emissions from natural gas engines | Choya, Andoni; Gudyka, Sylwia; de Rivas, Beatriz; Ignacio Gutierrez-Ortiz, Jose; Kotarba, Andrzej; Lopez-Fonseca, Ruben | 2021 | APPLIED CATALYSIS A-GENERAL | 617 | | ||
Detailed thermal reduction analyses of graphene oxide via in-situ TEM/EELS studies | Pelaez-Fernandez, M.; Bermejo, A.; Benito, A. M.; Maser, W. K.; Arenal, R. | 2021 | CARBON | 178 | 477 | 487 | |
Determination of the Concentration of IgG against the Spike Receptor-Binding Domain That Predicts the Viral Neutralizing Activity of Convalescent Plasma and Serum against SARS-CoV-2 | Santiago, Llipsy; Uranga-Murillo, Iratxe; Arias, Maykel; Gonzalez-Ramirez, Andres Manuel; Macias-Leon, Javier; Moreo, Eduardo; Redrado, Sergio; Garcia-Garcia, Ana; Taleb, Victor; Lira-Navarrete, Erandi; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon; Aguilo, Nacho; del Mar Encabo-Berzosa, Maria; Hidalgo, Sandra; Galvez, Eva M.; Ramirez-Labrada, Ariel; de Miguel, Diego; Benito, Rafael; Miranda, Patricia; Fernandez, Antonio; Domingo, Jose Maria; Serrano, Laura; Yuste, Cristina; Villanueva-Saz, Sergio; Pano-Pardo, Jose Ramon; Pardo, Julian | 2021 | BIOLOGY-BASEL | 10 | | ||
Direct Imaging and Location of Pb2+ and K+ in EMT Framework-Type Zeolite | Zhang, Yaping; Smith, Daniel; Readman, Jennifer E.; Mayoral, Alvaro | 2021 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 125 | 6461 | 6470 | |
Disentangling phonon channels in nanoscale heat transport | Mukherjee, Samik; Wajs, Marcin; De la Mata, Maria; Givan, Uri; Senz, Stephan; Arbiol, Jordi; Francoeur, Sebastien; Moutanabbir, Oussama | 2021 | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 104 | | ||
Dry powder formulation for pulmonary infections: Ciprofloxacin loaded in chitosan sub-micron particles generated by electrospray | Arauzo, B; Lobera, MP; Monzon, A; Santamaria, J | 2021 | CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS | 273 | | ||
Effect of Ni nanoparticles in Zn-Ni-x advanced alloys synthesized by sintering reaction | Miranda-Hernandez, Jose G.; Herrera-Hernandez, Hector; Casarrubias-Vargas, Heriberto; Vargas-Hernandez, Jesus; Miranda, Ricardo; Torres-Avila, Itzel P.; Sanchez, Enrique Hernandez | 2021 | MATERIALS CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS | 259 | | ||
Effect of oxidation temperature on the properties of NiOx layers for application in optical sensors | Castillo-Saenz, J. R.; Nedev, N.; Valdez-Salas, B.; Bernechea, M.; Martinez-Guerra, E.; Mendivil-Palma, I.; Curiel-Alvarez, M.; Mateos, D.; Perez-Landeros, O. | 2021 | THIN SOLID FILMS | 734 | | ||
Effect of ultrasonic irradiation power on sonochemical synthesis of gold nanoparticles | Fuentes-Garcia, J. A.; Santoyo-Salzar, J.; Rangel-Cortes, E.; Goya, G. F.; Cardozo-Mata, V; Pescador-Rojas, J. A. | 2021 | ULTRASONICS SONOCHEMISTRY | 70 | | ||
Engineering Shape Anisotropy of Fe3O4-gamma-Fe2O3 Hollow Nanoparticles for Magnetic Hyperthermia | Niraula, Gopal; Coaquira, Jose A. H.; Zoppellaro, Giorgio; Villar, Bianca M. G.; Garcia, Flavio; Bakuzis, Andris F.; Longo, Joao P. F.; Rodrigues, Mosar C.; Muraca, Diego; Ayesh, Ahmad, I; Sinfronio, Francisco Savio M.; de Menezes, Alan S.; Goya, Gerardo F.; Sharma, Surender K. | 2021 | ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS | 4 | 3148 | 3158 | |
Enhancement of proximity-induced superconductivity in a planar Ge hole gas | Aggarwal, Kushagra; Hofmann, Andrea; Jirovec, Daniel; Prieto, Ivan; Sammak, Amir; Botifoll, Marc; Marti-Sanchez, Sara; Veldhorst, Menno; Arbiol, Jordi; Scappucci, Giordano; Danon, Jeroen; Katsaros, Georgios | 2021 | PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH | 3 | | ||
Fabrication of metallic and non-metallic top electrodes for large-area molecular junctions | Gorenskaia, Elena; Turner, Kelly L.; Martin, Santiago; Cea, Pilar; Low, Paul J. | 2021 | NANOSCALE | 13 | 9055 | 9074 | |
Fe-C nanoparticles obtained from thermal decomposition employing sugars as reducing agents | Cervera, L.; Perez-Landazabal, J., I; Garaio, E.; Monteserin, M.; Larumbe, S.; Martin, F.; Gomez-Polo, C. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 863 | | ||
Focused-Electron-Beam Engineering of 3D Magnetic Nanowires | Magen, Cesar; Pablo-Navarro, Javier; De Teresa, Jose Maria | 2021 | NANOMATERIALS | 11 | | ||
High performance LATP thin film electrolytes for all-solid-state microbattery applications | Siller, Valerie; Morata, Alex; Nunez Eroles, Marc; Arenal, Raul; Carlos Gonzalez-Rosillo, Juan; Lopez del Amo, Juan Miguel; Tarancon, Albert | 2021 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A | 9 | 17760 | 17769 | |
Highly-efficient growth of cobalt nanostructures using focused ion beam induced deposition under cryogenic conditions: application to electrical contacts on graphene, magnetism and hard masking | Salvador-Porroche, Alba; Sangiao, Soraya; Magen, Cesar; Barrado, Mariano; Philipp, Patrick; Belotcerkovtceva, Daria; Kamalakar, M. Venkata; Cea, Pilar; Maria De Teresa, Jose | 2021 | NANOSCALE ADVANCES | 3 | 5656 | 5662 | |
Hole Transport Layer based on atomic layer deposited V(2)Ox films: Paving the road to semi-transparent CZTSe solar cells | Almache-Hernandez, Rosa; Pusay, Benjamin; Tiwari, Kunal; Ros, Eloi; Mastmitja, Gerard; Becerril-Romero, Ignacio; Martin, Isidro; Voz, Cristobal; Puigdollers, Joaquim; Saucedo, Edgardo; Ortega, Pablo | 2021 | SOLAR ENERGY | 226 | 64 | 71 | |
Impregnating Subnanometer Metallic Nanocatalysts into Self-Pillared Zeolite Nanosheets | Wang, Ning; Sun, Qiming; Zhang, Tianjun; Mayoral, Alvaro; Li, Lin; Zhou, Xue; Xu, Jun; Zhang, Peng; Yu, Jihong | 2021 | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY | 143 | 6905 | 6914 | |
Improvement of the adhesive capacity of SBR for footwear outsoles by surface activation and coating deposition with atmospheric pressure plasma | Mugica-Vidal, Rodolfo; Mercadal-Guillen, Juan; Alba-Elias, Fernando; Sainz-Garcia, Elisa | 2021 | PLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS | 18 | | ||
In Vitro and In Vivo Biocompatibility of Boron/Nitrogen Co-Doped Carbon Nano-Onions | d'Amora, M; Camisasca, A; Arenal, R; Giordani, S | 2021 | NANOMATERIALS | 11 | | ||
In-situ reduction by Joule heating and measurement of electrical conductivity of graphene oxide in a transmission electron microscope | Hettler, Simon; Sebastian, David; Pelaez-Fernandez, Mario; Benito, Ana M.; Maser, Wolfgang K.; Arenal, Raul | 2021 | 2D MATERIALS | 8 | | ||
Interaction of Differently Sized, Shaped, and Functionalized Silver and Gold Nanoparticles with Glycosylated versus Nonglycosylated Transferrin | Barbir, Rinea; Jimenez, Rafael Ramirez; Martin-Rapun, Rafael; Strasser, Vida; Jurasin, Darija Domazet; Dabeli, Sanja; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Vrcek, Ivana Vinkovic | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 27533 | 27547 | |
Layered ZnIn2S4 Single Crystals for Ultrasensitive and Wearable Photodetectors | Valdman, Lukas; Mazanek, Vlastimil; Marvan, Petr; Serra, Marco; Arenal, Raul; Sofer, Zdenek | 2021 | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS | | |||
LED-driven controlled deposition of Ni onto TiO2 for visible-light expanded conversion of carbon dioxide into C-1-C-2 alkanes | Sanz-Marco, Arturo; Hueso, Jose L.; Sebastian, Victor; Nielsen, David; Mossin, Susanne; Holgado, Juan P.; Bueno-Alejo, Carlos J.; Balas, Francisco; Santamaria, Jesus | 2021 | NANOSCALE ADVANCES | 3 | 3788 | 3798 | |
Lipoprotein metabolism in familial hypercholesterolemia | Chemello, Kevin; Garca-Nafra, J; Gallo, Antonio; Martn, Cesar; Lambert, Guilles; Blom, Dirk | 2021 | Journal of Lipid Research | 62 | | ||
Magnetic Functionalization of Scanning Probes by Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition Technology | Pablo-Navarro, J; Sangiao, S; Magen, C; de Teresa, JM | 2021 | MAGNETOCHEMISTRY | 7 | | ||
Magnetism of Dendrimer-Coated Gold Nanoparticles: A Size and Functionalization Study | Ulloa, Jose A.; Lorusso, Giulia; Evangelisti, Marco; Camon, Agustin; Barbera, Joaquin; Serrano, Jose L. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | 125 | 20482 | 20487 | |
Microfluidics for the rapid and controlled preparation of organic nanotubes of bent-core based dendrimers | Castillo-Valles, Martin; Romero, Pilar; Sebastian, Victor; Ros, M. Blanca | 2021 | NANOSCALE ADVANCES | 3 | 1682 | 1689 | |
Multidisciplinary study on the hydrogelation of the digold(I) complex [{Au(N-9-adeninate)}(2)(mu-dmpe)]: optical, rheological, and quasi-elastic neutron scattering perspectives | Blasco, Daniel; Lopez-de-Luzuriaga, Jose M.; Monge, Miguel; Olmos, M. Elena; Rodriguez-Castillo, Maria; Amaveda, Hippolyte; Mora, Mario; Garcia Sakai, Victoria; Martinez-Gonzalez, Jose A. | 2021 | INORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS | 8 | 3707 | 3715 | |
Nanoengineering Palladium Plasmonic Nanosheets Inside Polymer Nanospheres for Photothermal Therapy and Targeted Drug Delivery | Uson, L; Yus, C; Mendoza, G; Leroy, E; Irusta, S; Alejo, T; Garcia-Domingo, D; Larrea, A; Arruebo, M; Arenal, R; Sebastian, V | 2021 | ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS | | |||
Nanogels with High Loading of Anesthetic Nanocrystals for Extended Duration of Sciatic Nerve Block | Alejo, Teresa; Uson, Laura; Landa, Guillermo; Prieto, Martin; Argon, Cristina Yus; Garcia-Salinas, Sara; de Miguel, Ricardo; Rodriguez-Largo, Ana; Irusta, Silvia; Sebastian, Victor; Mendoza, Gracia; Arruebo, Manuel | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 17220 | 17235 | |
Next generation of nanozymes: A perspective of the challenges to match biological performance | Goya, GF; Mayoral, A; Winkler, E; Zysler, RD; Bagnato, C; Raineri, M; Fuentes-Garcia, JA; Lima, E | 2021 | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS | 130 | | ||
Novel, simple, and environmentally safe method for wastewater pollutant removal | Duque, Luis; Gutierrez, Lucia; Menendez, Nieves; Herrasti, Pilar; Mazario, Eva | 2021 | JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING | 42 | | ||
Omnipresence of Weak Antilocalization (WAL) in Bi2Se3 Thin Films: A Review on Its Origin | Gracia-Abad, Ruben; Sangiao, Soraya; Bigi, Chiara; Kumar Chaluvadi, Sandeep; Orgiani, Pasquale; De Teresa, Jose Maria | 2021 | NANOMATERIALS | 11 | | ||
On the hydrothermal-enhanced synthesis of highly selective Mo2C catalysts to fully deoxygenated products in the guaiacol HDO reaction | Ochoa, E.; Torres, D.; Pinilla, J. L.; Suelves, I. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 9 | | ||
On the Improvement of Alveolar-Like Microfluidic Devices for Efficient Blood Oxygenation | Malankowska, Magdalena; Pellejero, Ismael; Julian, Ignacio; Rho, Hoon Suk; Pinczowski, Pedro; Tiggelaar, Roald M.; Gardeniers, Han; Mallada, Reyes; Pina, Maria Pilar | 2021 | ADVANCED MATERIALS TECHNOLOGIES | 6 | | ||
One-step covalent hydrophobic/hydrophilic functionalization of chemically exfoliated molybdenum disulfide nanosheets with RAFT derived polymers | Plantzopoulou, A; Stergiou, A; Kafetzi, M; Arenal, R; Pispas, S; Tagmatarchis, N | 2021 | CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS | | |||
On-POM Ring-Opening Polymerisation of N-Carboxyanhydrides | Soria-Carrera, Hector; Franco-Castillo, Isabel; Romero, Pilar; Martin, Santiago; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Mitchell, Scott G.; Martin-Rapun, Rafael | 2021 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 60 | 3449 | 3453 | |
Optimisation of bimetallic Co-Ni supported catalysts for oxidation of methane in natural gas vehicles | Choya, Andoni; de Rivas, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Velasco, Juan Ramon; Gutierrez-Ortiz, Jose Ignacio; Lopez-Fonseca, Ruben | 2021 | APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL | 284 | | ||
Optimization of the multi-mem response of topotactic redox La1/2Sr1/2Mn1/2Co1/2O3?x | Romn Acevedo, W. ; Aguirre, M. H. ; Ferreyra, C. ; Snchez, M. J. ; Rengifo, M. ; van den Bosch, C. A. M. ; Aguadero, A. ; Noheda, B. ; Rubi, D. | 2021 | | ||||
Optimization of YIG/Bi stacks for spin-to-charge conversion and influence of aging | Sangiao, Soraya; Ignacio Morales-Aragones, Jose; Lucas, Irene; Jimenez-Cavero, Pilar; Morellon, Luis; Sanchez-Azqueta, Carlos; De Teresa, Jose Maria | 2021 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS | 54 | | ||
pH control of conductance in a pyrazolyl Langmuir-Blodgett monolayer | Herrer, L.; Martin, S.; Gonzalez-Orive, A.; Milan, D. C.; Vezzoli, A.; Nichols, R. J.; Serrano, J. L.; Cea, P. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 9 | 2882 | 2889 | |
Phase inversion method for the preparation of Pebax (R) 3533 thin film membranes for CO2/N-2 separation | Martinez-Izquierdo, Lidia; Malankowska, Magdalena; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, Joaquin | 2021 | JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING | 9 | | ||
Plasmonic MOF Thin Films with Raman Internal Standard for Fast and Ultrasensitive SERS Detection of Chemical Warfare Agents in Ambient Air | Lafuente, M; De Marchi, S; Urbiztondo, M; Pastoriza-Santos, I; Perez-Juste, I; Santamaria, J; Mallada, R; Pina, M | 2021 | ACS SENSORS | 6 | 2241 | 2251 | |
Polyamide-MIL-101(Cr) Thin Films Synthesized on Either the Outer or Inner Surfaces of a Polysulfone Hollow Fiber for Water Nanofiltration | Echaide-Gorriz, Carlos; Aysa-Martinez, Yolanda; Navarro, Marta; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, Joaquin | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 7773 | 7783 | |
Polyethylene three-dimensional nano-networks: How lateral chains affect metamaterial formation | Pedro M.ResendeaEdgarGutirrez-FernndezbMyriam H.AguirrecAuroraNogalesbMarisolMartn-Gonzleza | 2021 | Polymer | 212 | | ||
Preparation of Cu cluster catalysts by simultaneous cooling-microwave heating: application in radical cascade annulation | Song, Liangliang; Manno, Roberta; Ranjan, Prabhat; Sebastian, Victor; Irusta, Silvia; Mallada, Reyes; Van Meervelt, Luc; Santamaria, Jesus; Van der Eycken, Erik V. | 2021 | NANOSCALE ADVANCES | 3 | 1087 | 1095 | |
Protein O-Fucosyltransferase 1 Undergoes Interdomain Flexibility in Solution | Lira-Navarrete, Erandi; Pallares, Maria Carmen; Castello, Fabio; Ruedas-Rama, Maria J.; Orte, Angel; Lostao, Anabel; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon | 2021 | MOLECULES | 26 | | ||
Quantification of Lipoprotein Uptake in Vivo Using Magnetic Particle Imaging and Spectroscopy | Hildebrand, Staffan; Lowa, Norbert; Paysen, Hendrik; Fratila, Raluca M.; Reverte-Salisa, Laia; Trakoolwilaiwan, Thithawat; Niu, Zheming; Kasparis, Georgios; Preuss, Stephanie Franziska; Kosch, Olaf; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Thanh, Nguyen Thi Kim; Wiekhorst, Frank; Pfeifer, Alexander | 2021 | ACS NANO | 15 | 434 | 446 | |
Quantification of the interfacial and bulk contributions to the longitudinal spin Seebeck effect | Jimenez-Cavero, P.; Lucas, I.; Bugallo, D.; Lopez-Bueno, C.; Ramos, R.; Algarabel, P. A.; Ibarra, M. R.; Rivadulla, F.; Morellon, L. | 2021 | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS | 118 | | ||
Relaxation Mechanisms and Strain-Controlled Oxygen Vacancies in Epitaxial SrMnO3 Films | Langenberg, Eric; Maurel, Laura; Antorrena, Guillermo; Algarabel, Pedro A.; Magen, Cesar; Pardo, Jose A. | 2021 | ACS OMEGA | 6 | 13144 | 13152 | |
Role of the interfaces in the crystallization and hysteresis mechanisms of amorphous Fe-B thin films | Urdiroz, U.; Palomares, F. J.; Mayoral, A.; Soldatov, I., V; Schafer, R.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Sanchez-Agudo, M.; Navarro, E.; Ruiz, A.; Alonso, M.; Vazquez, L.; Cebollada, F. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 869 | | ||
Room temperature synthesis and characterization of novel lead-free double perovskite nanocrystals with a stable and broadband emission | Tang, Yingying; Gomez, Leyre; van der Laan, Marco; Timmerman, Dolf; Sebastian, Victor; Huang, Chia-Ching; Gregorkiewicz, Tom; Schall, Peter | 2021 | JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C | 9 | 158 | 163 | |
Ruddlesden-Popper Hybrid Lead Bromide Perovskite Nanosheets of Phase Pure n=2: Stabilized Colloids Stored in the Solid State | Cevallos-Toledo, RB; Rosa-Pardo, I; Arenal, R; Oestreicher, V; Fickert, M; Abellan, G; Galian, RE; Perez-Prieto, J | 2021 | ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION | 60 | 27312 | 27317 | |
Searching for kagome multi-bands and edge states in a predicted organic topological insulator | Hernndez-Lpez L, Piquero-Zulaica I, Downing C, Piantek M, Fujii J, Serrate D, Ortega J, Bartolom F, Lobo-Checa J | 2021 | NANOSCALE | | |||
Selective Magnetic Nanoheating: Combining Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for Multi-Hot-Spot Induction and Sequential Regulation | Ovejero, Jesus G.; Armenia, Ilaria; Serantes, David; Veintemillas-Verdaguer, Sabino; Zeballos, Nicoll; Lopez-Gallego, Fernando; Gruettner, Cordula; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; del Puerto Morales, Maria; Grazu, Valeria | 2021 | NANO LETTERS | 21 | 7213 | 7220 | |
Selective point-of-care detection of pathogenic bacteria using sialic acid functionalized gold nanoparticles | Landa, G; Miranda-Calderon, LG; Sebastian, V; Irusta, S; Mendoza, G; Arruebo, M | 2021 | TALANTA | 234 | | ||
Self-acetylation at the active site of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PCK1) controls enzyme activity | Latorre-Muro, Pedro; Baeza, Josue; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon; Hicks, Thomas; Delso, Ignacio; Hernandez-Ruiz, Cristina; Velazquez-Campoy, Adrian; Lawton, Alexis J.; Angulo, Jesus; Denu, John M.; Carrodeguas, Jose A. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY | 296 | | ||
Serological evidence of SARS-CoV-2 and co-infections in stray cats in Spain | Villanueva-Saz, Sergio; Giner, Jacobo; Pilar Tobajas, Ana; Dolores Perez, Maria; Manuel Gonzalez-Ramirez, Andres; Macias-Leon, Javier; Gonzalez, Ana; Verde, Maite; Yzuel, Andres; Hurtado-Guerrero, Ramon; Pardo, Julian; Santiago, Llipsy; Ramon Pano-Pardo, Jose; Ruiz, Hector; Maria Lacasta, Delia; Sanchez, Lourdes; Marteles, Diana; Pilar Gracia, Ana; Fernandez, Antonio | 2021 | TRANSBOUNDARY AND EMERGING DISEASES | | |||
Shelling with MoS2: Functional CuS@MoS2 hybrids as electrocatalysts for the oxygen reduction and hydrogen evolution reactions | Bar-Hen, Avraham; Bar-Ziv, Ronen; Ohaion-Raz, Tsion; Mizrahi, Amir; Hettler, Simon; Arenal, Raul; Sadan, Maya Bar | 2021 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL | 420 | | ||
Single-Crystalline Body Centered FeCo Nano-Octopods: From One-Pot Chemical Growth to a Complex 3D Magnetic Configuration | Garnero, Cyril; Pierrot, Alexandre; Gatel, Christophe; Marcelot, Cecile; Arenal, Raul; Florea, Ileana; Bernand-Mantel, Anne; Soulantica, Katerina; Poveda, Patrick; Chaudret, Bruno; Blon, Thomas; Lacroix, Lise-Marie | 2021 | NANO LETTERS | 21 | 3664 | 3670 | |
Single-step assembly of gold nanoparticles into plasmonic colloidosomes at the interface of oleic acid nanodroplets | Lopez-de-Luzuriaga, Jose M.; Monge, Miguel; Quintana, Javier; Rodriguez-Castillo, Maria | 2021 | NANOSCALE ADVANCES | 3 | 198 | 205 | |
Solvent-exchange process in MOF ultrathin films and its effect on CO2 and methanol adsorption | Andres, M. A.; Fontaine, P.; Goldmann, M.; Serre, C.; Roubeau, O.; Gascon, I | 2021 | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE | 590 | 72 | 81 | |
SpheroidJ: An Open-Source Set of Tools for Spheroid Segmentation | Lacalle, David; Castro-Abril, Hector Alfonso; Randelovic, Teodora; Dominguez, Cesar; Heras, Jonathan; Mata, Eloy; Mata, Gadea; Mendez, Yolanda; Pascual, Vico; Ochoa, Ignacio | 2021 | COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE | 200 | | ||
Strain-Mediated Giant Magnetoelectric Coupling in a Crystalline Multiferroic Heterostructure | Begue, Adrian; Ciria, Miguel | 2021 | ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES | 13 | 6778 | 6784 | |
Structure determination of GPCRs: cryo-EM compared with X-ray crystallography | Garca-Nafra, Javier; Tate, Christopher G | 2021 | Biochemical Society Transactions | 49 | 2345 | 2355 | |
Structure, magnetic, photocatalytic and blood compatibility studies of nickel nanoferrites prepared by laser ablation technique in distilled water | Ozcelik, S.; Yalcin, B.; Arda, L.; Santos, H.; Saez-Puche, R.; Angurel, L. A.; de la Fuente, G. F.; Ozcelik, B. | 2021 | JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS | 854 | | ||
Sub-ns-pulsed laser cleaning of an archaeological bone from the Sierra de Atapuerca, Spain: a case study | Rahman, MA; de la Fuente, GF; Carretero, JM; Maingi, EM; Abad, MPA; Alcalde, RA; Chapoulie, R; Schiavon, N; Angurel, LA | 2021 | SN APPLIED SCIENCES | 3 | | ||
Superconducting properties of in-plane W-C nanowires grown by He+ focused ion beam induced deposition | Orus, Pablo; Cordoba, Rosa; Hlawacek, Gregor; Maria De Teresa, Jose | 2021 | NANOTECHNOLOGY | 32 | | ||
Supramolecular Functionalizable Linear-Dendritic Block Copolymers for the Preparation of Nanocarriers by Microfluidics | Abad, M; Martinez-Bueno, A; Mendoza, G; Arruebo, M; Oriol, L; Sebastian, V; Pinol, M | 2021 | POLYMERS | 13 | | ||
Symmetry-Driven Formation of Chiral Boroxine-Based Organometallic Oligomers on Ag(001) | Domnguez-Celorrio A, Vilas-Varela M, Pea D, Langlais V, Serrate D | 2021 | JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C | | |||
Synthesis of ZIF-94 from Recycled Mother Liquors: Study of the Influence of Its Loading on Postcombustion CO2 Capture with Pebax Based Mixed Matrix Membranes | Hasan, MR; Paseta, L; Malankowska, M; Tellez, C; Coronas, J | 2021 | ADVANCED SUSTAINABLE SYSTEMS | | |||
Ultra-Small Silver Nanoparticles Immobilized in Mesoporous SBA-15. Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Catalytic Activity in the 4-Nitrophenol Reduction | Manno, Roberta; Sebastian, Victor; Irusta, Silvia; Mallada, Reyes; Santamaria, Jesus | 2021 | CATALYSIS TODAY | 362 | 81 | 89 | |
Uncapped Gold Nanoparticles for the Metallization of Organic Monolayers | Martin-Barreiro, Alba; Soto, Rogelio; Chiodini, Stefano; Garcia-Serrano, Aitor; Martin, Santiago; Herrer, Lucia; Perez-Murano, Francesc; Low, Paul J.; Luis Serrano, Jose; Marcos, Susana; Galban, Javier; Cea, Pilar | 2021 | ADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES | 8 | | ||
Unraveling a Biomass-Derived Multiphase Catalyst for the Dehydrogenative Coupling of Silanes with Alcohols under Aerobic Conditions | Sorribes, Ivan; Ventura-Espinosa, David; Assis, Marcelo; Martin, Santiago; Concepcion, Patricia; Bettini, Jefferson; Longo, Elson; Mata, Jose A.; Andres, Juan | 2021 | ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING | 9 | 2912 | 2928 | |
Vapor phase interfacial polymerization: a method to synthesize thin film composite membranes without using organic solvents | Paseta, Lorena; Echaide-Gorriz, Carlos; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, Joaquin | 2021 | GREEN CHEMISTRY | 23 | 2449 | 2456 | |
Leveraging the interplay between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic mechanisms: copper-iron nanoparticles working under chemically relevant tumor conditions | Javier Bonet-Aleta, Miguel Encinas, Esteban Urriolabeitia, Pilar Martin-Duque, Jose L Hueso, Jesus Santamaria | 2021 | CHEM RXIV | | |||
Excipient-Free Inhalable Microparticles of Azithromycin Produced by Electrospray: A Novel Approach to Direct Pulmonary Delivery of Antibiotics | Arauzo, B; Lopez-Mendez, TB; Lobera, MP; Calzada-Funes, J; Pedraz, JL; Santamaria, J | 2021 | PHARMACEUTICS | 13 | |

Universidad de Zaragoza

Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades

Actividad de I+D+I realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza cofinanciada por el Gobierno de Aragón
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
Somos una iniciativa singular a nivel nacional e internacional. Ponemos a disposición de la comunidad científica e industrial las infraestructuras más avanzadas en microscopía electrónica y de sonda local para la observación, caracterización, nanoestructuración y manipulación de materiales a escala atómica y molecular.
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Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
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