16-17-18 MAY 2022
From 16 to 18 May 2022. “Course on Micro- and Nano-Characterisation of Surfaces and Materials for Companies, 4th edition”.
Learn to identify, select and use the most powerful and versatile characterisation techniques available today. Determines the composition, topography, morphology and properties of materials and surfaces.
Lecture and practical sessions:The practices will be carried out in small groups of two people and an FFP2 mask will be given to the attendees.
Course places: 24 in order of registration. Deadline 6 May 2022.
Location: facilities of the Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas, R+D+i Building, Río Ebro Campus, Zaragoza.
Registration and accommodation conditions: For more information, please contact lma@unizar.es.
Advanced Microscopy Laboratory
We are a unique initiative at the national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale
Contact information
Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
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