Industrial Users
Biotechnology, Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Industry

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of micro and nanoparticles: Size, topology, composition, distribution, chemical and structure analysis, surface studies/functionalization.
- Characterization of the plasmonic behaviour for optical applications in Biotechnology
- Determination of organic/inorganic/biological contamination
- Chemical composition analysis
- Characterization of biocompatible materials (odontology, surgery, prostheses…)
- Texture, morphology and chemical characterization of the material for comparative analysis with other materials or quality control. Drug encapsulation.
Chemical Industry

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of new materials.
- Detection of contaminant particles.
- Characterization of nano-paints, adhesives and coatings, for a wide range of industrial applications.
- Characterization of thin films and surface coatings.
- Microstructure characterization of silver-based nanoparticles, as well as other metal-organic nanoparticles.
Plastics and polymers Industry

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of new polymer nanocompounds.
- Characterization of polymer fibres with micro and nano-encapsulation.
- Analysis of contaminants.
- Characterization of compounds and dispersions.
- Determination of crystallinity.
- Fibre orientation determination.
- Texture, morphology and chemical characterization of the material for comparative analysis with other materials or quality control. Morphology characterization. Determination of particles size in dispersion.
ICT and Electronics

Needs / solutions
- Design and development of MEMS and NEMS (Micro and Nano-Electromechanical systems).
- Micro and nano-fabrication using optical lithography and Focused Electrons and Ions Beam in Clean Room.
- Characterization of Magnetoresistance-based new systems.
- Solar cells: characterization of different layers and interfaces.
- Surface characterization of CMOS devices produced by optical lithography techniques.
- Characterization of defective parts in radiocommunication devices.
- Functional Nanostructures Engineering by atomic manipulation.
- Texture, morphology and chemical characterization of the material for comparative analysis with other materials or quality control.
Textile And Shoe

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of capsules with vitamine E and other additives to use in textile industry.
- Detremination of the homogeneity in aditive distribution .
- New nanomaterials characterization to produce fibers with avanced properties.
- In situ analysis of the material behaviour at high or low temperatura.
- Study of chemical compoistion in production samples with different results in quallity tests.
- Material texture, morphology and chemical characterization to compare with other material or use like quallity control.
- Rougness and texture determination of surfaces
NanoHealth and Nanosecurity

Needs / solutions
- Nanoparticles and aerosols dispersity characterization in controlled enviroments.
- Nanomaterials behaviour monitoring ( following) in the work places.
- Nanoparticles characterization like bactericidal agents.
Food Industry

Needs / solutions
- Nanoparticles characterizacion to be used live addditives in animal fed and drinking water
- Fresh and proccesed food microscopic analyisis
Art conservation and restoration

Needs / solutions
- Characterizacion of coating interactions and treatments carried out in ornamental stones for their conservation.
- Texture and phases in ornamental stones characterization to establishe its straction source (origin)
- Fossils and one of a kind heritage objects non destructive characterization .
New materials characterization

Needs / solutions
- Development of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) and their potential applications in gas storage and purification and homogeneous catalysis.
- Use of graphene and carbon nanotubes and their application in medicine, electronics, plasmonics, energy, etc…
- Characterization of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide samples.
- Evaluation of the quality of graphene samples (contaminants, chemical structure, homogeneity).
- Epoxy nanocomposites for their application in sensors, energy or medicine.

Needs / solutions
- Identification of the degree and quality of cleaning processes.
- Characterization of metal parts after different welding processes.
- Characterization of coatings on steel parts (silicon, etc.).
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterization of the material for comparative studies with other materials or as quality control.
Automotive industry

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of nanocomposites for giant magnetoresistance sensors for their use in automotive brakes.
- Determination of the thickness of paint layers.
- Determination of the behaviour and quality of welds on parts obtained from the production process.
- Chemical characterization of surfaces on metallic pieces.
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterization of materials for comparative studies or as quality control.
Household appliance industry (brown, white, grey and small electrical appliances -PAE. ranges)

Needs / solutions
- Characterization of materials and nanostructuring of surfaces.
- Chemical characterization of samples to evaluate cleaning processes.
- Analysis of injection molded polymers and their additives.
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterization of the material for comparative studies or as quality control.
Optic Industry

Needs / solutions
- Nano-characterisation of the composition and structure of optical lenses.
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterisation of the material for comparative studies with other materials or as quality control.
Smart Systems

Needs / solutions
- R&D in new concepts of intelligent systems based on sensor-actuators, industrial applications of thermoelectricity and spintronics, or new methods of generation and transfer of energy.
Energy area

Needs / solutions
- Analysis of contamination in pipelines.
- Analysis by SEM of the size, morphology and chemical composition of graphene and other composite materials incorporating graphene particles.
Ceramics area and building materials

Needs / solutions
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterisation of the material for comparative studies with other materials or as quality control.
- Characterisation of micro and nanoparticles (nanomaterials): size, topology, composition, distribution, chemical and structural analysis and surface/functionalisation study.
- Determination of the existence of organic, inorganic or biological contamination.
- Surface and interface analysis.
- Characterisation of antibacterial materials, coatings and others: thickness, topology, composition, distribution, chemical and structural analysis, surface/functionalisation study.
Paper and wood industry

Needs / solutions
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterisation of the material for comparative studies with other materials or as quality control.
- Characterisation of cellulose fibres, bicomposites, filler nanomaterials: size, topology, composition, distribution, chemical and structural analysis.
- Determination of the existence of organic, inorganic or biological contamination.
- Surface and interface analysis.
- Determination of the thickness of different layers
- Characterisation of antibacterial, anti-humidity, anti-odour materials, polymeric and inorganic coatings, inks, organic components (starch, etc.): etopology, location, composition, distribution, chemical and structural analysis.
Minery Industry

Needs / solutions
- Textural, morphological and chemical characterisation of the extracted material for comparative studies with other materials or as quality control.
- Determination of the existence of organic, inorganic or biological contamination.
- Identification of the minerals present in the extracted material and indirect estimation of the composition of the analysed sample.
Advanced Microscopy Laboratory
We are a unique initiative at the national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.
Contact information
Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
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