LMA 2023 publications

Consult the publications of the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory.

Article TitleAuthor Full NamesSource TitlePublication YearVolumeStart PageEnd PageDOI
Unsupervised Learning for the Segmentation of Small Crystalline Particles at the Atomic LevelBarcena-Gonzalez, Guillermo; Hernandez-Robles, Andrei; Mayoral, Alvaro; Martinez, Lidia; Huttel, Yves; Galindo, Pedro L.; Ponce, ArturoCRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY202358https://doi.org/10.1002/crat.202200211
Gold Clusters Immobilized by Post-Synthesis Methods on Thiol-Containing SBA-15 Mesoporous Materials for the Aerobic Oxidation of Cyclohexene: Influence of Light and HydroperoxideDelgado, Rafael; Marquez-Alvarez, Carlos; Mayoral, Alvaro; de la Serna, Ramon; Agundez, Javier; Perez-Pariente, JoaquinCHEMISTRY-SWITZERLAND20235526543https://doi.org/10.3390/chemistry5010038
New probes based on carbon nano-cones for scanning probe microscopiesCours, Robin; Paredes, Germercy; Masseboeuf, Aurelien; Ondarcuhu, Thierry; Seine, Gregory; Puech, Pascal; Arenal, Raul; Piazza, Fabrice; Monthioux, MarcULTRAMICROSCOPY2023245https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ultramic.2022.113667
Synthesis of a new C60 cyanofullerene derivativeCataldo, Franco; Barzaga, Ransel; Garcia-Hernandez, D. Anibal; Arenal, Raul; Manchado, ArturoFULLERENES NANOTUBES AND CARBON NANOSTRUCTURES202331695704https://doi.org/10.1080/1536383X.2023.2199988
Ion-Induced Lateral Damage in the Focused Ion Beam Patterning of Topological Insulator Bi2Se3 Thin FilmsGracia-Abad, Ruben; Sangiao, Soraya; Kumar Chaluvadi, Sandeep; Orgiani, Pasquale; Maria De Teresa, JoseMATERIALS202316https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16062244
Tribomechanical analysis and machining development for TiSiCN material deposited on industrial steelHernandez-Renjifo, Erick; Ortiz, Christian; Caicedo, Julio Cesar; Rodriguez, Luis Alfredo; Magen, CesarINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY2023https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11966-1
Low-friction coatings on medical needles through atmospheric-pressure plasma-polymerization technologyMuro-Fraguas, Ignacio; Sainz-Garcia, Ana; Mugica-Vidal, Rodolfo; Sainz-Garcia, Elisa; Gonzalez-Marcos, Ana; Alba-Elias, FernandoPLASMA PROCESSES AND POLYMERS202320https://doi.org/10.1002/ppap.202200174
Annealing effects on the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of iron oxide nanoparticles self-assembliesFabris, Fernando; Lima, Enio; Nunez, Jorge Martin; Troiani, Horacio E.; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Leboran, Victor; Rivadulla, Francisco; Winkler, Elin L.NANOTECHNOLOGY202334https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aced0e
Oxygen vacancy dynamics in Pt/TiOx/TaOy/Pt memristors: exchange with the environment and internal electromigrationLeal Martir, Rodrigo; Jose Sanchez, Maria; Aguirre, Myriam; Quinonez, Walter; Ferreyra, Cristian; Acha, Carlos; Lecourt, Jerome; Luders, Ulrike; Rubi, DiegoNANOTECHNOLOGY202334https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6528/aca597
Mini AuAg Wavy Nanorods Displaying Plasmon-Induced Photothermal and Photocatalytic PropertiesQuintana, Javier; Crespo, Julian; Falqui, Andrea; Lopez-de-Luzuriaga, Jose M.; Olmos, M. Elena; Rodriguez-Castillo, Maria; Monge, MiguelADVANCED PHOTONICS RESEARCH20234https://doi.org/10.1002/adpr.202200246
Heterogeneous-Driven Glutathione Oxidation: Defining the Catalytic Role of Chalcopyrite NanoparticlesSanchez-Uriel, Leticia; Bonet-Aleta, Javier; Ibarra, Alfonso; Hueso, Jose L.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C20231271414614154https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00987
Optimization of MIL-178(Fe) and Pebax? 3533 loading in mixed matrix membranes for CO2 captureHasan, Md Rafiul; Zhao, Heng; Steunou, Nathalie; Serre, Christian; Malankowska, Magdalena; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, JoaquinINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONTROL2023121https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijggc.2022.103791
Long-Term Performance of Magnetic Force Microscopy Tips Grown by Focused Electron Beam Induced DepositionEscalante-Quiceno, Alix Tatiana; Novotny, Ondrej; Neuman, Jan; Magen, Cesar; De Teresa, Jose MariaSENSORS202323https://doi.org/10.3390/s23062879
Antibacterial properties of phosphine gold(i) complexes with 5-fluorouracilFerrando, Ricardo; Mitchell, Scott G. G.; Atrian-Blasco, Elena; Cerrada, ElenaDALTON TRANSACTIONS2023521050710514https://doi.org/10.1039/d3dt01159c
Coexistence of volatile and nonvolatile memristive effects in phase-separated La0.5Ca0.5MnO3-based devicesRamirez, G. A.; Acevedo, W. Roman; Rengifo, M.; Nunez, J. M.; Aguirre, M. H.; Briatico, J.; Rubi, D.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS2023122https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0132047
Structural insights into promiscuous GPCR-G protein couplingCarrión-Antolí, Ángela, Mallor-Franco, Jorge, Arroyo-Urea, Sandra, García-Nafría, JavierProgress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science2023195137152https://doi.org/10.1016/BS.PMBTS.2022.06.015
Collagen-nanoclay hydrogels for stiffness enhancement of the extracellular matrix in vitroAlaman, Pilar; Garcia Gareta, Elena; Enrique Guerrero, Pedro; Amaveda, Hippolyte; Mora, Mario; Garcia Aznar, Jose Manuel; Angeles Perez, MariaTISSUE ENGINEERING PART A202329
High-quality single-crystalline epitaxial regrowth on pulsed laser melting of Ti implanted GaAsAlgaidy, S.; Caudevilla, D.; Perez-Zenteno, F.; Garcia-Hernansanz, R.; Garcia-Hemme, E.; Olea, J.; San Andres, E.; Duarte-Cano, S.; Siegel, J.; Gonzalo, J.; Pastor, D.; del Prado, A.MATERIALS SCIENCE IN SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSING2023153https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mssp.2022.107191
Double-Layered Pebax® 3533/ZIF-8 Membranes with Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Buckypapers as Support for Gas SeparationBerned-Samatan, Victor; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, JoaquinMEMBRANES202313https://doi.org/10.3390/membranes13010071
Green and Fast Strategies for Energy-Efficient Preparation of the Covalent Organic Framework TpPa-1Martinez-Visus, Inigo; Ulcuango, Matias; Zornoza, Beatriz; Coronas, Joaquin; Tellez, CarlosCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL2023https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202203907
Can NbO Keep nbo Topology under Electrons? -Unveiling Novel Aspects of Niobium Monoxide at the Atomic ScaleLi, Chengmin; Li, Junyan; Zhou, Yi; Zhang, Qing; Mayoral, Alvaro; Li, Gang; Terasaki, OsamuCHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL202329https://doi.org/10.1002/chem.202300614
Hydrogenation of CO2 into Formates by Ligand-Capped Palladium Heterogeneous CatalystsFernandez-Martinez, M. Dolores; Godard, CyrilCHEMCATCHEM202315https://doi.org/10.1002/cctc.202201408
Aqueous seeded RAFT polymerization for the preparation of self-assemblies containing nucleobase analoguesAbad, Miriam; Nardi, Martina; Oriol, Luis; Pinol, Milagros; Blasco, EvaPOLYMER CHEMISTRY2023147180https://doi.org/10.1039/d2py01250b
Magnetic carbon Fe3O4 nanocomposites synthesized via Magnetic Induction HeatingCervera-Gabalda, L.; Gomez-Polo, C.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS202313https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-34387-2
Hydrocolloids of Egg White and Gelatin as a Platform for Hydrogel-Based Tissue EngineeringPele, Karinna Georgiana; Amaveda, Hippolyte; Mora, Mario; Marcuello, Carlos; Lostao, Anabel; Alaman-Diez, Pilar; Perez-Huertas, Salvador; Perez, Maria Angeles; Garcia-Aznar, Jose Manuel; Garcia-Gareta, ElenaGELS20239https://doi.org/10.3390/gels9060505
Identification of a Large Number of Spin-Wave Eigenmodes Excited by Parametric Pumping in Yttrium Iron Garnet MicrodisksSrivastava, T.; Merbouche, H.; Yemeli, I. Ngouagnia; Beaulieu, N.; Ben Youssef, J.; Munoz, M.; Che, P.; Bortolotti, P.; Cros, V.; Klein, O.; Sangiao, S.; De Teresa, J. M.; Demokritov, S. O.; Demidov, V. E.; Anane, A.; Serpico, C.; d'Aquino, M.; de Loubens, G.PHYSICAL REVIEW APPLIED202319https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.19.064078
A modular RNA delivery system comprising spherical nucleic acids built on endosome-escaping polymeric nanoparticlesGarcia-Guerra, Antonio; Ellerington, Ruth; Gaitzsch, Jens; Bath, Jonathan; Kye, Mahnseok; Varela, Miguel A.; Battaglia, Giuseppe; Wood, Matthew J. A.; Manzano, Raquel; Rinaldi, Carlo; Turberfield, Andrew J.NANOSCALE ADVANCES2023529412949https://doi.org/10.1039/d2na00846g
On-surface synthesis of metal-organic frameworks: the critical role of the reaction conditionsMartin-Gago, Jose Angel J. A./B-2237-2010; Serrate, David/B-1433-2016; Lopez, Maria F./C-4571-2011; Grill, Leonhard/A-9014-2012; Martínez, José Ignacio/H-2645-2012; Jacobson, Peter/U-2537-2018; SANCHEZ SANCHEZ, CARLOS/M-2767-2014; VERDINI, ALBERTO/H-6516-2013CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS20235902954https://doi.org/10.1039/d3cc00185g
Heparin-Coated Dendronized Hyperbranched Polymers for Antimalarial Targeted DeliveryAnselmo, Maria San; Lantero, Elena; Avalos-Padilla, Yunuen; Bouzon-Arnaiz, Ines; Ramirez, Miriam; Postigo, Alejandro; Serrano, Jose Luis; Sierra, Teresa; Hernandez-Ainsa, Silvia; Fernandez-Busquets, XavierACS APPLIED POLYMER MATERIALS20235381390https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.2c01553381
Ionic self-assembly of pillar[5]arenes: proton-conductive liquid crystals and aqueous nanoobjects with encapsulation propertiesMarin, Ivan; Merino, Rosa I.; Barbera, Joaquin; Concellon, Alberto; Serrano, Jose L.MATERIALS ADVANCES2023455645572https://doi.org/10.1039/d3ma00698k
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) Analysis of Nitrogen Environment in Small Extracellular Vesicle Membranes: A Potential Novel Technique with Application for Cancer ScreeningSancho-Albero, Maria; Martin-Pardillos, Ana; Irusta, Silvia; Sebastian, Victor; Cebolla, Vicente Luis; Pazo-Cid, Roberto; Martin-Duque, Pilar; Santamaria, JesusCANCERS202315https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers15092479
Laser-induced tuning of carbon nanosensitizers to maximize nitrogen doping and reactive oxygen species production in the visible rangeMadrid, Ainhoa; Martinez, Gema; Hornos, Felipe; Bonet-Aleta, Javier; Calvo, Esteban; Lozano, Antonio; Hueso, Jose L.CATALYSIS TODAY2023422https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2023.114214
Nitrogen-doped carbon nanodots deposited on titania nanoparticles: Unconventional near-infrared active photocatalysts for cancer therapyMadrid, Ainhoa; Martin-Pardillos, Ana; Bonet-Aleta, Javier; Sancho-Albero, Maria; Martinez, Gema; Calzada-Funes, Javier; Martin-Duque, Pilar; Santamaria, Jesus; Hueso, Jose L.CATALYSIS TODAY2023419https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2023.114154
Novel Characterization Techniques for Multifunctional Plasmonic-Magnetic Nanoparticles in Biomedical ApplicationsCalvo, Rodrigo; Rodriguez Mariblanca, Isabel; Pini, Valerio; Dias, Monica; Cebrian, Virginia; Thon, Andreas; Saad, Asis; Salvador-Matar, Antonio; Ahumada, Oscar; Manso Silvan, Miguel; Saunders, Aaron E.; Wang, Wentao; Stassinopoulos, AdonisNANOMATERIALS202313https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13222929
A Review of the Current State of Magnetic Force Microscopy to Unravel the Magnetic Properties of Nanomaterials Applied in Biological Systems and Future Directions for Quantum TechnologiesWinkler, Robert; Ciria, Miguel; Ahmad, Margaret; Plank, Harald; Marcuello, CarlosNANOMATERIALS202313https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13182585
Asymmetrical Plasmon Distribution in Hybrid AuAg Hollow/Solid Coded NanotubesGenc, Aziz; Patarroyo, Javier; Sancho-Parramon, Jordi; Arenal, Raul; Bastus, Neus G.; Puntes, Victor; Arbiol, JordiNANOMATERIALS202313https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13060992
Investigation of Soft Matter Nanomechanics by Atomic Force Microscopy and Optical Tweezers: A Comprehensive ReviewMagazzu, Alessandro; Marcuello, CarlosNANOMATERIALS202313https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13060963
Molybdenum Diselenide and Tungsten Diselenide Interfacing Cobalt-Porphyrin for Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution in Alkaline and Acidic MediaKagkoura, Antonia; Stangel, Christina; Arenal, Raul; Tagmatarchis, NikosNANOMATERIALS202313https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13010035
Rapid microwave heating and fast quenching for the highly efficient production of long-term stable supported Ag nanoclustersManno, R.; Ranjan, P.; Sebastian, V.; Mallada, R.; Irusta, S.; Van der Eycken, E. V.; Santamaria, J.CATALYSIS TODAY2023420https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2023.114081
Waste Hemp Hurd as a Sustainable Precursor for Affordable and High-Rate Hard Carbon-Based Anodes in Sodium-Ion BatteriesAntoran, Daniel; Alvira, Dario; Peker, M. Eser; Malon, Hugo; Irusta, Silvia; Sebastian, Victor; Manya, Joan J.ENERGY & FUELS20233796509661https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.3c01040
Hydantoin hexameric rosettes: harnessing H-bonds for supergelation and liquid crystalsGonzalez, Lucia; Marin, Ivan; Tejedor, Rosa M.; Barbera, Joaquin; Romero, Pilar; Concellon, Alberto; Uriel, Santiago; Serrano, Jose L.ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FRONTIERS2023https://doi.org/10.1039/d3qo01832f
Surface Deposition Induced Reduction of the Ground State Spin in Cr10 WheelBartolome, Elena; Ferrari, Ludovica; Sedona, Francesco; Arauzo, Ana; Rubin, Javier; Luzon, Javier; Herrero-Albillos, Julia; Panighel, Mirco; Mugarza, Aitor; Rancan, Marzio; Sambi, Mauro; Armelao, Lidia; Bartolome, Juan; Bartolome, FernandoADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES202310https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202300146
Sheathed Molecular Junctions for Unambiguous Determination of Charge-Transport PropertiesHerrer, Lucia; Naghibi, Saman; Marin, Ivan; Ward, Jonathan S.; Bonastre, Jose Maria; Higgins, S. J.; Martin, Santiago; Vezzoli, Andrea; Nichols, Richard John; Serrano, Jose Luis; Cea, PilarADVANCED MATERIALS INTERFACES202310https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.202300133
The antidiabetic effect of superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles highlights the role of WNT/AMPK/mTOR/FOXO1/mitochondrial DNA in muscle and kidneyGowayed, Mennatallah A.; Ali, Lamiaa M. A.; Kamel, Maher A.; Oriquat, Ghaleb A.; Pinol, Rafael; Millan, Angel; El-Tahan, Rasha A.NANOMEDICINE202318417435https://doi.org/10.2217/nnm-2022-0136
Core-shell Fe3O4@CoFe2O4 nanoparticles as high-performance anode catalysts for enhanced oxygen evolution reactionRoyer, Lisa; Makarchuk, Iryna; Hettler, Simon; Arenal, Raul; Asset, Tristan; Rotonnelli, Benjamin; Bonnefont, Antoine; Savinova, Elena; Pichon, Benoit P.SUSTAINABLE ENERGY & FUELS2023732393243https://doi.org/10.1039/d3se00130j
Microfluidic preparation of thin film composite hollow fiber membrane modules for water nanofiltration: Up-scaling, reproducibility and MOF based layersEsteras-Saz, Javier; Paseta, Lorena; Echaide-Gorriz, Carlos; Malankowska, Magdalena; Luque-Alled, Jose M.; Zornoza, Beatriz; Tellez, Carlos; Coronas, JoaquinJOURNAL OF THE TAIWAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS2023150https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jtice.2023.105063
Role of Strontium Cations in ZSM-5 Zeolite in the Methanol-to-Hydrocarbons ReactionLiutkova, Anna; Drozhzhin, Victor; Heinrichs, Jason M. J. J.; Jestl, Valentin; Evtushkova, Angelina; Mezari, Brahim; Mayoral, Alvaro; Kosinov, Nikolay; Hensen, Emiel J. M.JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS20231465066512https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c01259
Vine Shoots-Derived Hard Carbons as Anodes for Sodium-Ion Batteries: Role of Annealing Temperature in Regulating Their Structure and MorphologyAlvira, Dario; Antoran, Daniel; Vidal, Mariano; Sebastian, Victor J.; Manya, Joan J.BATTERIES & SUPERCAPS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202300233
Real-time in vivo monitoring of the antimicrobial action of combination therapies in the management of infected topical woundsLanda, Guillermo; Miranda-Calderon, Laura G.; Gomez, Alex; Perez, Marta; Sebastian, Victor; Arruebo, Manuel; Lamarche, Isabelle; Tewes, Frederic; Irusta, Silvia; Mendoza, GraciaINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS2023646https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpharm.2023.123502
Multiple Gold Nanoparticle Cores within a Single SiO2 Shell for Preservable Solid-State Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering and Catalytic SensingDey, Suman; Mishra, Smruti M.; Roy, Abhijit; Roy, Anuradha; Senapati, Dulal; Satpati, BiswarupACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS202361560615619https://doi.org/10.1021/acsanm.3c02455
Bent-core liquid crystals joining the ethylene-oxide/lithium ion tandem: Ionic conductivity and dielectric response towards new electrolytes for energy applicationsMartinez-Felipe, Alfonso; Zaton, Daniel; Castillo-Valles, Martin; Baldini, Asia; Pease, Jonathan; Leader, Natalie; Aripin, Nurul Fadhilah Kamalul; Giacinti-Baschetti, Marco; Ros, M. BlancaJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS2023390https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2023.123100
Dual liquid Crystalline/Gel behavior with AIE effect promoted by Self-assembly of pyrazole dendronsIguarbe, Veronica; Romero, Pilar; Barbera, Joaquin; Elduque, Anabel; Gimenez, RaquelJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS2023365https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120109
Self-assembly of bent-core amphiphiles joining the ethylene-oxide/lithium ion tandemCastillo-Valles, Martin; Folcia, Cesar L.; Ortega, Josu; Etxebarria, Jesus; Ros, M. BlancaJOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS2023381https://doi.org/10.1016/j.molliq.2023.121825
Polarisation-independent ultrafast laser selective etching processing in fused silicaOchoa, Mario; Roldan-Varona, Pablo; Algorri, Jose Francisco; Lopez-Higuera, Jose Miguel; Rodriguez-Cobo, LuisLAB ON A CHIP202323https://doi.org/10.1039/d3lc00052d
On-chip monitoring of toxic gases: capture and label-free SERS detection with plasmonic mesoporous sorbentsLafuente, Marta; Almazan, Fernando; Bernad, Eduardo; Florea, Ileana; Arenal, Raul; Urbiztondo, Miguel A.; Mallada, Reyes; Pina, Maria P.LAB ON A CHIP20232331603171https://doi.org/10.1039/d3lc00136a
Collagen-Laponite Nanoclay Hydrogels for Tumor Spheroid GrowthAlaman-Diez, Pilar; Borau, Carlos; Guerrero, Pedro Enrique; Amaveda, Hippolyte; Mora, Mario; Fraile, Jose Maria; Garcia-Gareta, Elena; Garcia-Aznar, Jose Manuel; Perez, Maria AngelesBIOMACROMOLECULES20232428792891https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.3c00257
Novel Ir1-xCoxO2 thin films: Growth and characterizationLaguna-Marco, M. A.; Herrero-Albillos, J.; Aguirre, M. H.; Rueda-Jimenez, M.; Mikulska, I.JOURNAL OF ALLOYS AND COMPOUNDS2023968https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.171975
Improved Polarization-Retention-Endurance in Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Films by ZrO2 Capping via Electrostatic EffectsSong, Tingfeng; Koutsogiannis, Panagiotis; Magen, Cesar; Pardo, Jose A.; Sanchez, Florencio; Fina, IgnasiADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.202300509
Iron Electrodes Based on Sulfur-Modified Iron Oxides with Enhanced Stability for Iron-Air BatteriesVillanueva, Nicolas; Alegre, Cinthia; Rubin, Javier; Figueredo-Rodriguez, Horacio A.; McKerracher, Rachel D.; de Leon, Carlos Ponce; Jesus Lazaro, MariaACS APPLIED ENERGY MATERIALS202351343913451https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaem.2c02123
Efficient generation of highly crystalline carbon quantum dots via electrooxidation of ethanol for rapid photodegradation of organic dyesBarrionuevo, Santiago D.; Fioravanti, Federico; Nunez, Jorge M.; Llaver, Mauricio; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Bellino, Martin G.; Lacconi, Gabriela I.; Ibanez, Francisco J.JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C2023https://doi.org/10.1039/d3tc01774e
Robust large area molecular junctions based on transparent and flexible electrodesGarcia-Serrano, Aitor; Cea, Pilar; Osorio, Henrry M.; Perez-Murano, Francesc; Rius, Gemma; Low, Paul J.; Martin, SantiagoJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C2023https://doi.org/10.1039/d3tc02237d
Cargo-loaded lipid-shielded breakable organosilica nanocages for enhanced drug deliverySancho-Albero, Maria; Rosso, Giada; De Cola, Luisa; Cauda, ValentinaNANOSCALE2023151462814640https://doi.org/10.1039/d3nr02155f
In-flow photocatalytic oxidation of NO on glasses coated with nanocolumnar porous TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive sputteringAzpiroz, Ramon; Carretero, Enrique; Cueva, Ana; Gonzalez, Aida; Iglesias, Manuel; Perez-Torrente, Jesus J.APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2023606https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.154968
Platinum-based nanodendrites as glucose oxidase-mimicking surrogatesGarcia-Peiro, Jose I.; Bonet-Aleta, Javier; Tamayo-Fraile, Maria L.; Hueso, Jose L.; Santamaria, JesusNANOSCALE2023151439914408https://doi.org/10.1039/d3nr02026f
Efficient oil-water separation by a robust superhydrophobic coating prepared directly from commercial lacquer using silanized multi-walled carbon nanotubes as fillerZhang, Xiannan; Mo, Zhenzhen; Arenal, Raul; Li, Wenjiang; Wang, ChengAPPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE2023609https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2022.155208
Large area arrays of discrete single-molecule junctions derived from host-guest complexesEscorihuela, Enrique; del Barrio, Jesus; Davidson, Ross J.; Beeby, Andrew; Low, Paul J.; Prez-Murano, Francesc; Cea, Pilar; Martin, SantiagoNANOSCALE2023https://doi.org/10.1039/d3nr05122f
New insights into GPCR coupling and dimerisation from cryo-EM structuresGusach, Anastasiia; Garcia-Nafria, Javier; Tate, Christopher G.CURRENT OPINION IN STRUCTURAL BIOLOGY202380https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbi.2023.102574
Highly efficient Cu2O@CuxFeyO4 nanohybrid catalyst for the degradation of emerging pollutantsFernandez-Velayos, S.; Recio, F. J.; Palomares, F. J.; Menendez, N.; Herrasti, P.; Mazario, E.JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING202352https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jwpe.2023.103549
Biogas dry reforming over Ni/LnOx-type catalysts (Ln = La, Ce, Sm or Pr)Georgiadis, Amvrosios G.; Siakavelas, Georgios I.; Tsiotsias, Anastasios I.; Charisiou, Nikolaos D.; Ehrhardt, Benedikt; Wang, Wen; Sebastian, Victor; Hinder, Steven J.; Baker, Mark A.; Mascotto, Simone; Goula, Maria A.INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HYDROGEN ENERGY2023481995319971https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.02.046
Beneficial effects of nickel promoter on the efficiency of alumina-supported Co3O4 catalysts for lean methane oxidationChoya, Andoni; de Rivas, Beatriz; Ignacio Gutierrez-Ortiz, Jose; Lopez-Fonseca, RubenJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING202310https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2022.108816
Co3O4 hollow nanotubes for the catalytic oxidation of C2-chlorinated VOCsGil-Barbarin, Amaya; Gutierrez-Ortiz, Jose Ignacio; Lopez-Fonseca, Ruben; de Rivas, BeatrizJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING202311https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2023.109841
PVDF membranes containing alkyl and perfluoroalkyl-functionalized graphene nanosheets for improved membrane distillationLuque-Alled, Jose Miguel; Leaper, Sebastian; Abdel-Karim, Ahmed; Skuse, Clara; Gorgojo, PatriciaJOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING202311https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jece.2023.109898
The neuronal calcium sensor NCS-1 regulates the phosphorylation state and activity of the Gα chaperone and GEF Ric-8AMunoz-Reyes, Daniel; Mcclelland, Levi J.; Arroyo-Urea, Sandra; Sanchez-Yepes, Sonia; Sabin, Juan; Perez-Suarez, Sara; Menendez, Margarita; Mansilla, Alicia; Garcia-Nafria, Javier; Sprang, Stephen; Sanchez-Barrena, Maria JoseELIFE202312https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.86151
Sustainable β- and γ-cyclodextrins for development of highly permeable thin film composite nanofiltration membranesPina-Vidal, Cristina; Luque-Alled, Jose Miguel; Coronas, Joaquin; Tellez, CarlosMATERIALS TODAY SUSTAINABILITY202324https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtsust.2023.100593
Hard superconducting gap in germaniumTosato, Alberto; Levajac, Vukan; Wang, Ji-Yin; Boor, Casper J.; Borsoi, Francesco; Botifoll, Marc; Borja, Carla N.; Marti-Sanchez, Sara; Arbiol, Jordi; Sammak, Amir; Veldhorst, Menno; Scappucci, GiordanoCOMMUNICATIONS MATERIALS20234https://doi.org/10.1038/s43246-023-00351-w
Recent advances in sensing the inter-biomolecular interactions at the nanoscale-A comprehensive review of AFM-based force spectroscopyLostao, Anabel; Lim, KeeSiang; Pallares, Maria Carmen; Ptak, Arkadiusz; Marcuello, CarlosINTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES2023238https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124089
Gel transformation as a general strategy for fabrication of highly porous multiscale MOF architecturesLiu, Zhang; Navas, Javier Lopez; Han, Wei; Ibarra, Manuel Ricardo; Kwan, Joseph Kai Cho; Yeung, King LunCHEMICAL SCIENCE20231471147125https://doi.org/10.1039/d3sc00905j
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Study on the recycling of zeolitic imidazolate frameworks and polymer Pebax® 1657 from their mixed matrix membranes applied to CO2 captureHasan, Md Rafiul; Moriones, Andoni; Malankowska, Magdalena; Coronas, JoaquinSEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY2023304https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2022.122355
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CO2 separation using thin film composite membranes of acid-hydrolyzed PIM-1Yu, Ming; Foster, Andrew B.; Alshurafa, Mustafa; Luque-Alled, Jose Miguel; Gorgojo, Patricia; Kentish, Sandra E.; Scholes, Colin A.; Budd, Peter M.JOURNAL OF MEMBRANE SCIENCE2023679https://doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2023.121697
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Evaluating the durability and performance of polyoxometalate-ionic liquid coatings on calcareous stones: Preventing biocolonisation in outdoor environmentsEyssautier-Chuine, Stephanie; Franco-Castillo, Isabel; Misra, Archismita; Hubert, Julien; Vaillant-Gaveau, Nathalie; Streb, Carsten; Mitchell, Scott G.SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT2023884https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.163739
Size effect of CoS2 cocatalyst on photocatalytic hydrogen evolution performance of g-C3N4Yang, Shan; Guo, Xinyu; Liu, Ke; Li, Yafeng; Li, Ting; Gu, Xianrui; Arenal, Raul; Zheng, Xiaoxue; Li, Wei; Sun, Chuanzhi; Wang, Houpeng; Huang, FangJOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE2023635305315https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2022.12.149
Enhancing Pt(IV) Complexes' Anticancer Activity upon Encapsulation in Stimuli-Responsive NanocagesSancho-Albero, Maria; Facchetti, Giorgio; Panini, Nicolo; Meroni, Marina; Bello, Ezia; Rimoldi, Isabella; Zucchetti, Massimo; Frapolli, Roberta; De Cola, LuisaADVANCED HEALTHCARE MATERIALS202312https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202202932
Generating colours through a novel approach based on spatial ALD and laser processingFrechilla, A.; Sekkat, A.; Dibenedetto, M.; lo Presti, F.; Porta-Velilla, L.; Martinez, E.; de La Fuente, G. F.; Angurel, L. A.; Munoz-Rojas, D.MATERIALS TODAY ADVANCES202319https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtadv.2023.100414
Dual role of graphene as support of ligand-stabilized palladium nanoparticles and carbocatalyst for (de)hydrogenation of N-heterocyclesMollar-Cuni, Andresp; Martin, Santiago; Guisado-Barrios, Gregorio; Mata, Jose A.CARBON2023206314324https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2023.02.014
Partial quenching of electronic Raman scattering in double-wall carbon nanotubes by interlayer couplingLevshov, Dmitry, I; Avramenko, Marina, V; Erkens, Maksiem; Tran, Huy-Nam; Cao, Thi Thanh; Nguyen, Van Chuc; Flahaut, Emmanuel; Popov, Valentin N.; Zahab, Ahmed-Azmi; Sauvajol, Jean-Louis; Arenal, Raul; Wenseleers, Wim; Cambre, Sofie; Paillet, MatthieuCARBON2023203801812https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbon.2022.12.003
A double-redox aqueous capacitor with high energy outputSlesinski, Adam; Sroka, Sylwia; Aina, Sergio; Piwek, Justyna; Fic, Krzysztof; Lobera, M. Pilar; Bernechea, Maria; Frackowiak, ElzbietaJOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY A20231162586273https://doi.org/10.1039/d2ta09541f
Optical Binding-Driven Micropatterning and Photosculpting with Silver NanorodsGonzalez-Garcia, M. Carmen; Garcia-Fernandez, Emilio; Hueso, Jose L.; Paulo, Pedro M. R.; Orte, AngelSMALL METHODS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202300076
Defect-Engineering by Solvent Mediated Mild Oxidation as a Tool to Induce Exchange Bias in Metal Doped FerritesMuzzi, Beatrice; Albino, Martin; Petrecca, Michele; Innocenti, Claudia; Fernandez, Cesar de Julian; Bertoni, Giovanni; Ibarra, M. Ricardo; Christensen, Mogens; Avdeev, Maxim; Marquina, Clara; Sangregorio, ClaudioSMALL METHODS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202300647
Ti-Modified Imogolite Nanotubes as Promising Photocatalyst 1D Nanostructures for H2 ProductionJimenez-Calvo, Pablo; Naciri, Yassine; Sobolewska, Anna; Isaacs, Mark; Zhang, Yu; Leforestier, Amelie; Degrouard, Jeril; Rouziere, Stephan; Goldmann, Claire; Vantelon, Delphine; Hettler, Simon; Zaluzec, Nestor J.; Arenal, Raul; Launois, Pascale; Ghazzal, Mohamed Nawfal; Paineau, ErwanSMALL METHODS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smtd.202301369
Cooperative Redox Transitions Drive Electrocatalysis of the Oxygen Evolution Reaction on Cobalt-Iron Core-Shell NanoparticlesRoyer, Lisa; Bonnefont, Antoine; Asset, Tristan; Rotonnelli, Benjamin; Velasco-Velez, Juan-Jesus; Holdcroft, Steven; Hettler, Simon; Arenal, Raul; Pichon, Benoit; Savinova, ElenaACS CATALYSIS202313280286https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.2c04512
Dilute Gd hydroxycarbonate particles for localized spin qubit integrationTejedor, Ines; Urtizberea, Ainhoa; Natividad, Eva; Martinez, Jesus I.; Gascon, Ignacio; Roubeau, OlivierMATERIALS HORIZONS2023https://doi.org/10.1039/d3mh01201
Hybrid Heterostructures of a Spin Crossover Coordination Polymer on MoS2: Elucidating the Role of the 2D SubstrateNunez-Lopez, Alejandro; Torres-Cavanillas, Ramon; Morant-Giner, Marc; Vassilyeva, Natalia; Mattana, Richard; Tatay, Sergio; Ohresser, Philippe; Otero, Edwige; Fonda, Emiliano; Paulus, Michael; Rubio-Gimenez, Victor; Forment-Aliaga, Alicia; Coronado, EugenioSMALL2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202304954
Gold Nanoparticles Capped with a Novel Titanium(IV)-Containing Polyoxomolybdate Cluster: Selective and Enhanced Bactericidal Effect Against Escherichia coliPaesa, Monica; Almazan, Fernando; Yus, Cristina; Sebastian, Victor; Arruebo, Manuel; Gandia, Luis M.; Reinoso, Santiago; Pellejero, Ismael; Mendoza, GraciaSMALL2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202305169
Photo-Rechargeable Li-Ion Batteries using TiS2 CathodeKumar, Amar; Hammad, Raheel; Pahuja, Mansi; Arenal, Raul; Ghosh, Kaushik; Ghosh, Soumya; Narayanan, Tharangattu N. N.SMALL2023https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.202303319
Unveiling the Structural Characteristics of Intergrowth Zeolites Synthesized in the Presence of Isopropylimidazolium-Based Cations and Fluoride AnionsKemp, Kingsley Christian; Mayoral, Alvaro; Hong, Suk BongJournal of the American Chemical Society20231452330023307https://doi.org/10.1021/JACS.3C08700/ASSET/IMAGES/LARGE/JA3C08700_0004.JPEG
Cryogenic multiplexing using selective area grown nanowiresOlsteins, Dags; Nagda, Gunjan; Carrad, Damon J.; Beznasyuk, Daria V.; Petersen, Christian E. N.; Marti-Sanchez, Sara; Arbiol, Jordi; Jespersen, Thomas S.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS202314https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-43551-1
Reducing charge noise in quantum dots by using thin silicon quantum wellsWuetz, Brian Paquelet; Esposti, Davide Degli; Zwerver, Anne-Marije J.; Amitonov, Sergey V.; Botifoll, Marc; Arbiol, Jordi; Vandersypen, Lieven M. K.; Russ, Maximilian; Scappucci, GiordanoNATURE COMMUNICATIONS202314https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-36951-w
Synthetic control of correlated disorder in UiO-66 frameworksTatay, Sergio; Martinez-Gimenez, Sonia; Rubio-Gaspar, Ana; Gomez-Oliveira, Eloy; Castells-Gil, Javier; Dong, Zhuoya; Mayoral, Alvaro; Almora-Barrios, Neyvis; M. Padial, Natalia; Marti-Gastaldo, CarlosNATURE COMMUNICATIONS202314https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-41936-w
Detecting the spin-polarization of edge states in graphene nanoribbons.Jens Brede, Nestor Merino-Díez, Alejandro Berdonces-Layunta, Sofía Sanz, Amelia Domínguez-Celorrio, Jorge Lobo-Checa, Manuel Vilas-Varela, Diego Peña, Thomas Frederiksen, José I. Pascual, Dimas G. de Oteyza, David SerrateNature communications2023146677https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-023-42436-7
Rhodium Single-Atom Catalyst Design through Oxide Support Modulation for Selective Gas-Phase Ethylene HydroformylationFarpon, Marcos G.; Henao, Wilson; Plessow, Philipp N.; Andres, Eva; Arenal, Raul; Marini, Carlo; Agostini, Giovanni; Studt, Felix; Prieto, GonzaloANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION202362https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202214048
Epitaxially Driven Phase Selectivity of Sn in Hybrid Quantum NanowiresKhan, Sabbir A.; Marti-Sanchez, Sara; Olsteins, Dags; Lampadaris, Charalampos; Carrad, Damon James; Liu, Yu; Quinones, Judith; Spadaro, Maria Chiara; Jespersen, Thomas Sand; Krogstrup, Peter; Arbiol, JordiACS NANO2023171179411804https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c02733
Remote Activation of Enzyme Nanohybrids for Cancer Prodrug Therapy Controlled by Magnetic HeatingTorres-Herrero, Beatriz; Armenia, Ilaria; Alleva, Maria; Asin, Laura; Correa, Sonali; Ortiz, Cecilia; Fernandez-Afonso, Yilian; Gutierrez, Lucia; de la Fuente, Jesus M.; Betancor, Lorena; Grazu, ValeriaACS NANO2023171235812373https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c01599
Microwave-Driven Exfoliation of Bulk 2H-MoS2 after Acetonitrile Prewetting Produces Large- Area Ultrathin Flakes with Exceptionally High YieldQuiros-Ovies, Ramiro; Laborda, Maria; Martin Sabanes, Natalia; Martin-Perez, Lucia; Moreno-Da Silva, Sara; Burzuri, Enrique; Sebastian, Victor; Perez, Emilio M.; Santamaria, JesusACS NANO20231759845993https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c00280
Tunable Hybridized Morphologies Obtained through Flash Joule Heating of Carbon NanotubesAdvincula, Paul A.; Beckham, Jacob L.; Choi, Chi Hun; Chen, Weiyin; Han, Yimo; Kosynkin, Dmitry, V; Lathem, Alexander; Mayoral, Alvaro; Yacaman, Miguel Jose; Tour, James M.ACS NANO2023https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c10125
Tungsten Oxide Mediated Quasi-van der Waals Epitaxy of WS2 on SapphireCohen, Assael; Mohapatra, Pranab K.; Hettler, Simon; Patsha, Avinash; Narayanachari, K. V. L. V.; Shekhter, Pini; Cavin, John; Rondinelli, James M.; Bedzyk, Michael; Dieguez, Oswaldo; Arenal, Raul; Ismach, ArielACS NANO20231753995411https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.2c09754
Laser-Induced Positional and Chemical Lattice Reordering Generating FerromagnetismPflug, Theo; Pablo-Navarro, Javier; Anwar, Md. Shabad; Olbrich, Markus; Magen, Cesar; Ibarra, Manuel Ricardo; Potzger, Kay; Fassbender, Juergen; Lindner, Juergen; Horn, Alexander; Bali, RantejADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202311951
Quasi-1D Anhydrite Nanobelts from the Sustainable Liquid Exfoliation of Terrestrial Gypsum for Future Martian-Based ElectronicsWei, Cencen; Roy, Abhijit; Aljarid, Adel K. A.; Hu, Yi; Roe, S. Mark; Papageorgiou, Dimitrios G.; Arenal, Raul; Boland, Conor S.ADVANCED FUNCTIONAL MATERIALS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202310600
Melt Electrowriting of Liquid Crystal Elastomer Scaffolds with Programmed Mechanical ResponseJavadzadeh, Mehrzad; del Barrio, Jesus; Sanchez-Somolinos, CarlosADVANCED MATERIALS202335https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202209244
Exotic Electronic Properties of 2D Nanosheets Isolated from Liquid Phase Exfoliated Phyllosilicate MineralsWei, Cencen; Roy, Abhijit; Tripathi, Manoj; Aljarid, Adel K. A.; Salvage, Jonathan P.; Roe, S. Mark; Arenal, Raul; Boland, Conor S.ADVANCED MATERIALS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202303570
Tailored Design of a Water-Based Nanoreactor Technology for Producing Processable Sub-40 Nm 3D COF Nanoparticles at Atmospheric ConditionsLlaurado-Capdevila, Gemma; Veciana, Andrea; Guarducci, Maria Aurora; Mayoral, Alvaro; Pons, Ramon; Hertle, Lukas; Ye, Hao; Mao, Minmin; Sevim, Semih; Rodriguez-San-Miguel, David; Sorrenti, Alessandro; Jang, Bumjin; Wang, Zuobin; Chen, Xiang-Zhong; Nelson, Bradley J.; Matheu, Roc; Franco, Carlos; Pane, Salvador; Puigmarti-Luis, JosepADVANCED MATERIALS2023https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202306345
A 3D extra-large-pore zeolite enabled by 1D-to-3D topotactic condensation of a chain silicateLi, Jian; Gao, Zihao Rei; Lin, Qing-Fang; Liu, Chenxu; Gao, Fangxin; Lin, Cong; Zhang, Siyao; Deng, Hua; Mayoral, Alvaro; Fan, Wei; Luo, Song; Chen, Xiaobo; He, Hong; Camblor, Miguel A.; Chen, Fei-Jian; Yu, JihongSCIENCE2023379283287https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ade1771
Epitaxial ferroelectric memristors integrated with siliconRengifo, Miguel; Aguirre, Myriam H.; Sirena, Martin; Luders, Ulrike; Rubi, DiegoFRONTIERS IN NANOTECHNOLOGY20234https://doi.org/10.3389/fnano.2022.1092177
Molecular Cloning Using In Vivo DNA AssemblyArroyo-Urea, Sandra, Watson, Jake F., García-Nafría, JavierMethods in Molecular Biology202326333344https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-3004-4_3
Nanoscale direct-write fabrication of superconducting devices for application in quantum technologiesDe Teresa, Jose MariaMATERIALS FOR QUANTUM TECHNOLOGY20233https://doi.org/10.1088/2633-4356/acbefb

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