LMA Gallery
LMA Gallery
Spatially-Resolved EELS Analysis of the Antibody Distribution on Bio-functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles. Courtesy of: Raul Arenal
Enzymatic mechanisms: fluid Atomic Force Microscopy revealed that the coenzyme-mediated A) monomer− B) dimer transition of the human apoptosis-inducing factor modulates the conformation of the proapoptotic domain, as well as its mechanism as reductase: a key information in the understanding of the physiological role of hAIF in the cellular life and death cycle. Courtesy of: Ferreira et al. Biochemistry, 53, 4204-4215 (2014).
Bismuth nanowire with four electrical contacts by FIBID Courtesy of: Soraya Sangiao, Noelia Marcano, José María De Teresa
DNA-protein: Sequential binding model proposed for FurA-PfurA using fluid Atomic Force Microscopy. This is the first binding model of a protein regulator to inactivate a promoter. DNA bending contributes at the first steps of FurA repression promoting the recruitment of new molecules resulting in a fine regulation in the Fur-dependent cluster associated genes. Courtesy of Pallarés et al. BBA, 1844, 623-631 (2014).
Graphene patterning and nanocontacting Courtesy of: Inés Serrano, José María De Teresa
Structural studies: fluid Atomic Force Microscopy showed that the structure of the apoferritin protein loaded with magnetic oxides –visualized by TEM) is very similar to the natural holoferritin, and both differ from the empty protein. Courtesy of Martínez-Pérez et al. Nanotechnology, 21, 465707 (2010)
W-based superconducting nanowire Courtesy of: Rosa Córdoba, Javier Sesé, José María De Teresa
Energy resolution in Co atoms on Cu2N/Cu(001) Courtesy of: Jose M. Martínez, David Serrate
Thermal Induced Decomposition of an Organometallic Monolayer for the fabrication of the top contact electrode in molecular electronic devices Courtesy of: L.M. Ballesteros, J. Cortés, S. Martín, P. Cea et al.
Cd atoms loaded into LTA zeolite. Courtesy of: Alvaro Mayoral, Jennifer E. Readman, Paul A. Anderson
Formation of C-gold bonds by incubation of gold nanoparticles into a terminal alkyne functionalized monolayer Courtesy of: H. Osorio, L.M. Ballesteros, I. Gascón, P. Cea, S. Martín et al.
Atomic resolution of topological insulator Bi2Se2Te Courtesy of: Mari Carmen Martínez, David Serrate
Plasmonic response of gold nanostars. Courtesy of: Alvaro Mayoral, Cesar Magen, Miguel Jose-Yacaman
AFM: Mechanical properties of polymers with inorganic additives. Courtesy of: Laura Lopez-Figueras et al
Camera 360
Lithography on a flexible and transparent substrate Courtesy of: Patricia Peinado, Rubén Valero, José María De Teresa
SP-STM, encoding binary information with single Co atoms: 101010 (left) and 010101 (right) Courtesy of: Maria Moro, David Serrrate.
Tailored engineering of core@shell and core@shell@shell nanoparticles. Courtesy of: A. Mayoral, D. Llamosa, M. Ruano, L. Martínez, E. Roman, M. García-Hernández, Y. Huttel.
Structural studies: The nonstructural NS3 protein from the hepatitis C virus is responsible for processing the non-structural region of the viral precursor polyprotein in infected hepatic cells. Fluid Atomic Force Microscopy shows how NS3 needs a structural Zn ion to fold correctly, otherwise is an extended protein. Courtesy of Int. J. Mol. Sci., 14, 13282-13306 (2013)
Ferromagnet-Superconductor nanocontact. Courtesy of: Soraya Sangiao, José María De Teresa
Artificial Co cluster made by atomic manipulation Courtesy of: Maria Moro, David Serrrate.
Cobalt nanowire on TIP Courtesy of: Isabel Rivas, Amalio Fernández-Pacheco, José María De Teresa
Reshaping Hollow Gold Nanoparticles into Nanorings Courtesy of: Raul Arenal, Martin Prieto, Manuel Arruebo et al.
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
We are a unique initiative at national and international levels. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in Nanofabrication, Local Probe and Electron Microscopies for the observation, characterization, nanopatterning and handling of materials at atomic and molecular scale.
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