Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder, affecting 5% of the world’s population. Nanoscience is helping us to understand how it develops and to improve the health of those affected. That is why we are launching a series of 🧵 threads on Twitter in collaboration with AICEAR, the Federation of Cochlear Implant Patients of Aragon. To raise awareness about deafness, nanotechnological advances and disseminate AICEAR’s invaluable support work for implanted patients and their families. 🫶
From Thursday 31 August until 9 November 2023, 9:00 on LMA Twitter: https://twitter.com/LMA_UNIZAR/

Universidad de Zaragoza

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Actividad de I+D+I realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza cofinanciada por el Gobierno de Aragón
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
We are a unique initiative at national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.
Contact information
Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
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