Rates from January 2025

TEM Area Services

TEM EQUIPMENTUNIZAR Standard (€/hour)UNIZAR Frequent (€/hour)UNIZAR Autonomous Users (€/hour)
Titan Imaging6640 >28 hours per quarter30
Titan Analytical6640 >28 hours per quarter30
F304027 >20 hours per quarter18

– Invoices will be charged in sessions of 4 or 8 hours (never in fractions of these, except in the case of self-employed users).

– The use of the cryo-holder sample holder entails an increase in the fee of 5%.

DUAL BEAM Area Services

DUAL BEAM EQUIPMENTUNIZAR Standard (€/hour)UNIZAR Frequent (€/hour)UNIZAR Autonomous Users (€/hour)
Helios 600/65042,522 >24 hours per quarter17
Nova 2003217 >24 hours per quarter14,5

SEM Area Services

SEM EQUIPMENTUNIZAR Standard (€/hour)UNIZAR Frequent (€/hour)UNIZAR Autonomous Users (€/hour)
Inspect3014 >25 hours per quarter12
Quanta2914 >20 hours per quarter12

Characterisation services

EQUIPMENT CharacterisationUNIZAR Standard UNIZAR FrequentUNIZAR Autonomous Users
XPS(€/hour)4018 >28 hours per quarter14
XRD(€/hour)2614 >28 hours per quarter10
XRD(€/day)18298 >28 hours per quarter70

In the case of XPS:
As a general rule, 7-hour sessions (or half-sessions of 3.5 hours) will be invoiced. In the case of self-employed users, as a general rule, the minimum time will be 1 session (7 hours).
The actual equipment occupancy time within a session may be extended to the whole day (24 hours) as long as the analysis can continue in automatic mode without the need for technician intervention beyond the working day. These additional hours will be free of charge and only 7 hours will be invoiced. The minimum of 28 hours of usage per quarter required to be a frequent user shall be understood as hours charged in the session, thus equating to a minimum of three sessions/quarter.

In the case of XRD:
The full day rate shall apply only in those special cases where the analysis can continue in stand-alone mode without the need for the technician’s intervention beyond his working day.
The minimum of 28 hours of quarterly usage required to be a frequent user shall be understood as hours charged in the session (a full day is considered as 7 hours of usage).

XRD disposables usedUNIZAR Standard
*1 mm quartz capillaries15

*Note: Users can contribute their own capillaries at no extra charge.

SPM Area Services

The rates listed below for environmental AFM/STM do not include tips. These may be provided by the user or will be provided by the service (see rates)

SPM EQUIPMENTSUNIZAR Assisted (€/hour)UNIZAR Frequent >40 hours per quarter (€/hour)UNIZAR Autonomous Users (€/hour)
AFM/STM Bruker Multimode 518135,5
AFM/STM Bruker Multimode 818135,5
AFM/CSI Nano-observer18135,5
AFM supplies usedUNIZAR Standard (€/hour)
AFM Probes for Topography (AFM Probes for Topography)33/unit
AFM Probes for Advanced Modes and Applications (AFM Probes for Advanced Modes and Applications)*Read note

* Pleas note prices vary depending on the purchase price from the supplier.

Note: Users may bring their own tips at no extra charge.

SPM EQUIPMENTSUNIZAR Standard ( €/day) *UNIZAR Frequent ( €/day)
STM LTqPlus Omicron13591 >7 days/quarter
STM Specs JT 13087 >7 days/quarter
AFM/STM Aahurus VT 9751 >7 days/quarter

*In the case of Omicron STMs and Specs JT/VT, a minimum of one session (1 working day) will be billed, except in the case of frequent users, where fractions of this session may be billed.

CLEAN ROOMUNIZAR Standard (€/hour)UNIZAR Autonomous Users (€/hour)
Microfabrication in Clean Room €/hour3010

The LMA Clean Room is equipped with equipment that allows micro-manufacturing processes to be carried out in a controlled environment. micro-manufacturing processes in a controlled environment of class 100 (ISO5) and/or class 100( ISO5) and/or 10000 (ISO7)

Examples of micro-manufacturing processes in the LMA Clean RoomComments
Optical lithography with conventional resinsSB Class 100
Optical lithography with SU8SB Class 100
Dry etching with RIESB Class 10000
Dry etching with IBESB Class 10000
Wet etching on Chemical BenchSB Class 10000
Thin film growth by E-Beam PVDOnly technical personnel are authorised to use
Thin film growth by PECVDSB Class 10000
Spin coater thin film growthSB Class 100
O2 plasma and/or vacuum furnace treatments.SB Class 10000
Characterisation with optical microscopeSB Class 100
Characterisation with mechanical profilometerSB Class 10000
Electrical characterisation with microneedle stationSB Class 10000
Electrical contacts using a micro-soldering stationSB Class 10000
Precision saw cutting of chips and substratesOnly technical personnel are authorised to use
Photolithography by micro-writerSB Class 100
Anodic bonding of wafersSB Class 10000
Chemical bench lift-off processesSB Class 100
Chemical bench sample cleaningSB Class 100
Sample preparationSB Class 100 and/or 10000

Researchers from UNIZAR and from public or private centres, as well as professionals from the industrial world who require clean room micro-manufacturing processes, have at their disposal, on request, the full technical support of our highly qualified and experienced staff. In these cases, a personalised study will be made of each proposal and, if necessary, an indicative budget will be drawn up.

Note autonomous use:

Clean room access ≤ to 2.5 hours25€ minimum rate
Cleanroom access > 2.5 hours10€/h
Clean room access microwriter ≤ to 2.5 hours25€ minimum rate
Cleanroom access microwriter > 2.5 hours10€/h

Available material:

E.g. Material available SBRATE
Cleanroom cloths**Consult
Fabmate Liner**Consult
4" silicon wafers**Consult
4" Wafer Boxes**Consult

**Prices vary depending on the purchase price from the supplier.

Sample preparation services (€ / sample)

Sample preparation laboratoryUNIZAR €
Sample preparation (mounting, fracturing, cutting, etc.)14€/h
Sucrose infiltration8
Resin embedding13
Positive staining (Osmium tetroxide) (1-5 samples)7
Positive staining (Osmium tetroxide) + dehydration (1-5 samples)13
Positive staining (Ruthenium tetroxide) ( 1-5 samples)20
Fixing, dehydration and drying in HMDS (1-5 samples)(SEM)8
Fixing, osmium, dehydration and drying in HMDS (1-5 samples SEM)15
Semi-thin sections (SEM and optical quality)10
Semi-thin slices (cryogenic conditions)(SEM quality)12
Negative staining4
Vitrification (not including grid)9
Cross-section / tripod38
Planar view / tripod20
Ion milling20
Ion milling (stand-alone)9
Argon cleaning10
Mechanical polishing10
Coating (Pd, carbon, etc.)12

Other Servicies

TECHNICAL REPORTS *Unizar (€/hour)
In any of the services20

(*) It is recommended to consult with the person in charge of the service for an estimate of the time needed to prepare the report, depending on the user’s needs and the volume of data to be processed or interpreted.

Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas

We are a unique initiative at national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.

Contact information

Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i

C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n
50018 Zaragoza (España)

Tel.:(+34) 976 762 980