Excellence Networks in Spain 2017
The aim of this project was the furtherance, promotion and internationalization of ELECMI to encourage research at the forefront of knowledge, the training of new microscopists and experts in the characterization of materials, the transfer of knowledge as well as technological innovation. Important is also the dissemination of the scientific and technical activities developed within this National Facility, the creation of new networks and consortiums in the field of electron microscopy, and the leadership of international projects.
These activities also contributed to the consolidation of the National Facility together with the update and acquisition of new infrastructure as well as the incorporation of new nodes, which took place upon the project duration. Finally, all these activities resulted in the attraction of new users and the consolidation of the already existing ones, which acted as a catalyst in the research in Spain as well as in transnational collaborations that locatee the Electron Microscopy of Spain the international arena.
A list of activities and events oriented to these goals was established including coordination meetings, update of the ELECMI website, a database concerning the use of the infrastructure, the organization of scientific workshops, courses, summer schools, and search of new transnational agreements, international leadership in international consortiums, act as a catalyst cluster of new nodes, etc.
The promotion of ELECMI was crucial to make available to scientists, companies and society in general the relevance of this ICTS as well as its scientific and technological potential which did result in a mutual benefit between users and installation enabling a maximum exploitation of the infrastructure.
n de la infraestructura.
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
We are a unique initiative at national and international levels. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in Nanofabrication, Local Probe and Electron Microscopies for the observation, characterization, nanopatterning and handling of materials at atomic and molecular scale.
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Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
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