Access protocol
LMA equipment is available for public and private research centres, as well as the Industry, nationally and abroad.
In order to request access, one of these two ways can be chosen:
- Application through the SAI Platform: valid for all equiment, it is permanently open. It requires the payment of the corresponding usage fee. Registration at the SAI platform is COMPULSORY. Registration process is explained later in this site.
- Submission of scientific proposal through the ELECMI platform: only to apply for UNIQUE equipment IF A CALL FOR PROPOSALS IS OPEN. It requires the submission of a scientific report in order to qualify for free measurement time, which is obtained if the proposal is classified as A.
These are the steps for both types of Access:
1- Access to LMA-SAI services:
- Log in with your username and password from the following link:
- 2.- From the upper menú choose solicitudes (Requests) to display the services list.
- 3.- Choose the option “Advanced Microscopy Laboratory – LMA (Alianza SAI – LMA)” for access to the LMA services.
IMPORTANT: This option must be chosen in order to Access to LMA services. - 4.- Choose the technique and fill in the form with the details and desired options.
- Download this ENGLISH HELP MANUAL [CLICK TO DOWNLOAD] , which will show you step by step how to create a user and make an application.
- Go to
- Follow the instructions in the manual step by step.
If you have any questions about registering with SAI, please send an email to
2 – Submission of scientific proposal through the ELECMI platform – only for UNIQUE equipment-.
Users accessing the unique ELECMI instruments through competitive open access (A-rated applications) will benefit from:
- Free usage time in the facilities
- Priority access to the facility versus access on demand
- Proof of usage time obtained through competitive access
Applications approved but assessed as B will not be given free usage time in the first instance. However, they will be placed on a prioritised waiting list and in the event of cancellations or other circumstances that make it possible for free usage time to be available at the facility, ELECMI will contact them so that they can take advantage of this usage time. In case you do not get free time, you can resubmit your application for further calls (it is recommended to improve your application based on the comments of the access committee) or make an on-demand access. In the second case, the corresponding usage fee will have to be paid.
More details on the evaluation process can be found at
Los equipos singulares del LMA incluyen:
Steps to apply for a single piece of equipment on the elecmi website
- Look under the tab ‘ACCESS’ for the menu ‘OPEN COMPETITIVE ACCESS’. You will be redirected to a single sign-on form.
- Please fill in the required data. If you wish, you can add some images in the dedicated section.
- You will receive an automatic message indicating the successful submission of the form.
- The result of your application will be communicated to you via an automatic e-mail at the end of the evaluation period.
- More details on the evaluation process can be found at
- We advise you to add as a secure address to your address book. Also check in the SPAM folder if you do not receive the mail.
With this new procedure, the previous login system is eliminated and user profiles are removed.
1- Access the website
2-Select menu INFRASTRUCTURE – EQUIPMENT – OTHER EQUIPMENT (and on-demand access)
3- Please select the desired unique equipment, you will find it in the corresponding category. Click on REQUEST.
4- You will be redirected to the website of the corresponding node, where you can make a direct request.
5- For LMA equipment, follow the instructions for access through the SAI.
¿Necesita ayuda? Envíenos un email y estaremos encantados de ayudarle:

Universidad de Zaragoza

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Actividad de I+D+I realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza cofinanciada por el Gobierno de Aragón
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
We are a unique initiative at national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.
Contact information
Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i
Direct Links
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