Quantum properties of hybrid organic-inorganic interfaces studied by STM

LOCATION: Instituto de Nanociencia y Materiales de Aragon (INMA), CSIC-U. Zaragoza




Submission of proposals: as soon as possible (publication of this news on 26/7/2023).


CONTRACT TYPE: FPI, project PID2022-138750NB-C21


Contact: Jorge Lobo (jorge.lobo@csic.es) y David Serrate (serrate@unizar.es)


Objective of the Ph.D. project: To produce high quality ultrathin heterostructures at their thinness limit of the unexplored family of two-dimensional magnetic insulator layered materials -the transition metal di-halides (TMDHs)- combined with planar molecular structures with atomically precise structure. The student will study the fundamental structural, electronic and magnetic properties of these heterostructures following two aspects: first, to elucidate whether the thinnest TMDH slabs retain their long-range magnetic order and exhibit robust insulating bandgap and, second, to determine how these properties affect the organic layers fabricated on top. The organic nanoarchitechtures will be of different dimensionalities and their design flexibility will provide different fundamental quantum properties that are of fundamental interest.

Universidad de Zaragoza

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Actividad de I+D+I realizada por la Universidad de Zaragoza cofinanciada por el Gobierno de Aragón

Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas

We are a unique initiative at national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.

Contact information

Campus Río Ebro, Edificio Edificio I+D+i

C/ Mariano Esquillor, s/n
50018 Zaragoza (España)

Tel.:(+34) 976 762 980