The Singular Scientific and Technical FacilityELECMI, with the collaboration of FECYT, Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, Ministry of Science and Innovation and Thermo Fisher, launches the game “Ginna – Nanotechnological Gymkhanas and Escape Rooms”.
The project is aimed at primary and pre-university students. It integrates a set of interactive games focused on Electron Microscopy, through virtual visits and individual or group activities. Thanks to them they will learn concepts about nanotechnology and the atomic world in a playful and fun way.
The games are available on the web ginna.elecmi.es. Throughout the activity, the students will have a very special guide: Ginna, a very playful girl capable of becoming very, very small… until she disappears from human sight! At the click of a button we can see incredible images and get to know the nano world thanks to ELECMI’s powerful electronic microscopes.
In this way, GINNA wants to encourage observation, teamwork, to highlight the role of women in research and to promote future scientific vocations. n addition, thanks to attractive 360º videos, we will be able to meet the scientific staff and equipment of ELECMI laboratories.
The activity is free and accessible to anyone via cell phone, computer or tablet, requiring only an internet connection and thus facilitating its dissemination in areas with fewer educational resources. Schools interested in receiving training on the project may request a free session by sending an e-mail to ginna.elecmi@unizar.es.
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
We are a unique initiative at the national and international level. We provide the scientific and industrial community with the most advanced infrastructures in electron microscopy and local probe microscopy for the observation, characterization, nanostructuring and manipulation of materials at the atomic and molecular scale.
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