Only four scientists from Spain are among the 150 world experts who stand out for their significant contributions to the field of physics.
José María De Teresa, researcher at the Advanced Microscopy Laboratory (LMA-UNIZAR) and at the Institute of Nanoscience and Materials of Aragon (INMA, a joint CSIC-UNIZAR centre), and Yamir Moreno, director of the Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI-UNIZAR), are two of the four Spanish physicists among 150 experts from around the world who have just been named “distinguished members” (fellow) of the American Physical Society for their significant contributions to the field of Physics.
According to the University of Zaragoza, this “fellow” appointment is a distinction of honour and a recognition that is awarded annually to less than 0.5% of the society’s members through a rigorous selection process by the council of the scientific society. This distinction highlights the international scientific projection, leadership and multiple contributions in different areas of Physics that Yamir Moreno and José María de Teresa have been making for years.
Laboratorio de Microscopías Avanzadas
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